@clarson3e How did you miss New York Journal of Books
@tharvey3d Free info is always good. There are any number of tuts for any application you want within the reach of a goggle search.
@tharvey3d I can say with absolute honesty that most of the Uber drivers I?ve had seem to be completely at the mercy of the vagaries of their GPS
I suspect that I will be getting a second pair for a family member.
@tharvey3d I love pesto, so I throw some kale, spinach, or arugula in with my basil and make a healthy sauce that I can layer on.
@clarson3e So the electrician can use this too for installing
@tharvey3d I'll definitely look for this same product.
@tharvey3d Yes, makes you wonder if we can wash or replace these things without it even short circuting our iris
@clarson3e This gonna open up a whole new type of air pirating?
Waitstaff who start complaining to their employer and wanting their wages made up might quickly be labeled as "poor servers", as indicated by their low tips, and fired.
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