Transport service


When you travel, you often have many options for getting around. Public transportation is the best way to save money but it can be tricky when the time of your commute falls during rush hour. Similar to car pooling but the transport service will pick you up from any location. The transport vehicle is shared with other commuters but is travelling the same. Routes are displayed on a website and shows which vehicles are heading your location.

18 points | 50 comments

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The feature of being able to reroute idle cars makes this particularly well suited for autonomous vehicles

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@emcdonald2s From an environmental perspective, using a ride-sharing service is certainly preferable to having your own a car

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if we can make it more socially acceptable to share car rides, and if we can make sharing a high quality experience, that will make transportation much better

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There are many taxi drivers. How are they going to support themselves and their families after your social engineering project puts them all out of a job?

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@cwhite2v I fully support and feel for these drivers, but why aren?t taxi companies keeping up with the change?

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This seems so revolutionary?

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Riding in nice new cars paying through your credit card instead of run down, filthy, puke scented 10 year old crown vics with non working credit card readers and surly drivers that refuse to drive to the suburbs is hardly a downside.

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@jfreeman2y On the upside you won?t have to share your ride with a homeless person stretched out on the subway seats who hasn?t showered in two weeks while you?re trying to get to work on time.

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@jfreeman2y in other places yes that?s a viable situation

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@csims30 Just took a yellow taxi this morning. Smelled fine. Polite driver.

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@csims30 I?ve had Uber drivers argue with me when they get the address wrong.

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@fharvey32 I thought it was just me. I?ve had a few bad experiences, but those happen with Uber too.

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Not to mention all of the free time that our drivers will be able to enjoy when we finish automating their jobs out of existence.

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@2bcollins34 While unfortunate, their short-term unemployment is better than the alternative of intentionally slowing progress by using less efficient transportation methods

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@2bcollins34 Where else will they get a job? Of any kind?

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How many jobs were ?automated out of existence? when automobiles caught on?

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@srodriguez37 Technological unemployment has been a thing since the invention of the wheel.

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@srodriguez37 the implication that we should slow or halt progress for the sake of protecting jobs is just as absurb and naive now as it was then

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@emorgan39 I agree, a pretty na?ve concept

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I just wish Uber drivers don?t drive like headless chickens. Most of time, they drive like they?re lost while completely undecided as if they?re going to pull over or not.

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@rmorgan3b they drive slow.

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@rmorgan3b Taxi drivers on the other hand, at least keep pace with city driving.

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@tharvey3d This is the situation in my area too. You always know when you?re behind an Uber driver ? they dart from one side of the street from another, slow down at every green light, and generally plod along like they have no particular place to be or,

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@tharvey3d I can say with absolute honesty that most of the Uber drivers I?ve had seem to be completely at the mercy of the vagaries of their GPS

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@dbaker3f Here in the Philippines, if they lost their internet connection we are screwed.

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If I wanted to ride in a car rammed in with strangers, I would ride the subway or take the bus.?

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@astevens3i It costs a fraction of an Uber or Lyft, doesn?t carry the risk of getting assaulted by the driver and doesn?t require me to have a spyware app on my phone.

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@astevens3i Sure but you?re not pricing out the smelly homeless splayed out on the seats or begging for money or the ?showtime? acrobatics troupe when you ride that subway car.?

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@kduncan3k It?s all about priorities.

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What are you getting in a mandatory carpool, if not the smelly, chatty and germ-infested cold-spreading people?

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@emarshall3m People take cars because they like to be by themselves or with people they know.?

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@emarshall3m If you?re not going to do that, then let people ride their own cars by themselves

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@efoster3o You forgot schizophrenic guy talking loudly to nobody in particular.

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