Smart eye contact lenses


Smart contact lenses sound like a movie Ridley Scott would make. But there's already a race to develop technology for smart contact lenses - ones that will give you super-human vision and will offer medical sensors, super human visions and much more. The process of course is naturally gruesome: Your natural lens is removed from your eyeball. A fluid is then injected into the eye, and that fluid fuses with the eye's lens capsule as it solidifies. The artificial lens would take over the job of the retina, improving vision in numerous ways without glasses, but in a flexible, interactive way.

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Paranoia for everybody, can't wait...

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@emcdonald2s it did not wait for me

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@rjohnston2u Employing researchers to produce a virtually invisible camera incorporated into a contact lens seems an obvious solution.

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@cwhite2v There will be cancers and lawsuits further down the line...

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@ggriffin2w It's way past time that the Google monopoly on everything be broken up.

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Brilliant idea - "Magic" contact lenses to help the far sighted. So... contact lenses then??

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@jfreeman2y I want them but I bet they are going to realy cost I am fed up with sticking pins in my fingers what s tupid way to do things as well as some times painfull there must be simpler ways

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@gholmes2z Very clever. A camera would be an interesting problem for privacy

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@csims30 I am scared to put on contact lenses, imagine this in your eyes,,, arrghhhh

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@acook31 Farsighted! I cannot use this!

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@fharvey32 Half of me thinks it's great and too good to be true and the other half of me says what hidden technology is the lurking in such a device

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Can someone somewhere see and hear everything you see and hear, scary that thought

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@cstewart33 The end of finger pricking? And I wear lenses. Sounds very interesting from a Type 1 diabetic point of view.

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Hope my vision wont crash as much as the Internet Explorer!

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Google wants your own Iris

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I heard that the process is that your natural lens is removed from your eyebal

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@gh. I've worn contacts for 18 years, 17-28. I had to do that ONE time when I stayed in a hotel. The next morning sucked.?

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@nhamilton38 the sensors will determine that the eye needs to focus, the chips command a small electrical current, which changes the focal length of the lens in a fraction of a second

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@emorgan39 but they said that this lense will be used in treating far sighted ness

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@rcoleman3a sony also applied for this patent

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@rmorgan3b After working so many hours, having that sticky, itch/burn feeling is miserable

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I?ll never forget when I was walking on the sidewalk with a guy I knew and he got something in his eye. He took out his contact, put it in his mouth, cleaned out his eye, then put the contact back in

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@tharvey3d Lenses are designed to be cleaned always

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@tharvey3d Yes, makes you wonder if we can wash or replace these things without it even short circuting our iris

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@dbaker3f I also read a story that you should never go swimming with contacts

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@tharvey3d One point they didn?t mention is that if you store your hydrophillic contacts in water, which is hypotonic, they?ll absorb water and will grow by about 50% rendering them useless.?

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@dbaker3f You disgust me.

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This is a terrible idea... we know the nature of humanity

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@kduncan3k Anything can be abused, but there is also so much potential

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@kduncan3k Yes taking pictures on private property such as their homes is another matter.

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@emarshall3m I'm afraid I have little faith in that; when you reflect upon the history of humankind, not many inventions that were intended for good

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@kduncan3k Being able to recap every moment so you can finally win all those arguments about what was really said. I think the good totally outweigh the bad in this one.

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You say it like it'll be cheap and available to everyone. WTF this is gonna be Hella expensive and we don't have to worry about petty credit card thieves getting their hands on them.?

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@tpalmer3p I feel like people have become a little less expressive now that strangers can record you at any time

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@tpalmer3p No matter how good the technology we've made to secure our lives, there will always be enemies using the technology we made to take advantage for themselves.

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@swarren3r My thoughts exactly?

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@dlarson3s There's an episode of Black Mirror on Netflix with something very similar!?

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@lfreeman3t The whole series is great (only 6 episodes + a longer Christmas show)!

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This would be terrible, there'd be zero privacy and you wouldn't be able to have a conversation in confidence.

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@agomez3v I think the point here is that this gadget, if would be available to public, would entail a lot of ethical problems.

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@cevans3w I can only imagine how many people are gonna get arrested for recording?

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@cevans3w I guess a world ruled by technology isn't far fetched, can't walk a block with out seeing most people with there face in there phones

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@agomez3v Your blinks recharge a very tiny battery. You blink constantly without realizing it.

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