Instant book ratings

Choosing what to read is a big decision. Sometimes you buy books on impulse or because you heard it was good. In other cases due diligence is necessary and maybe you want to read a few reviews first. There are many review sites out there that have spoilers that can ruin the reading experience, while others are really solid. Today, we are going to look at the best book review sites out there. Shows the rating of the book and reviews from other readers.

16 points | 50 comments


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Unfortunately, the?book review?as a standalone publication is pretty much a thing of the past, so yourbest?bet is probably to follow thematic publications.

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@emcdonald2s In truth, though, my best method for finding books has always been?follow your nose.?When I see a reference to something that interests me, I look it up, and find the original source.?

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@emcdonald2s The ultimate recommendation engine:?empowering your own curiosity.

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Libraything is the only one that remains now.?

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if you, like myself, are looking for independent book review site, you are out of luck!

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I love goodreads, since you can get so many reviews in one place

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@jfreeman2y There are quite literally thousands upon thousands of book review sites out there, goodreads is the best site

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@jfreeman2y In reality there's a couple of what I call mega-sites out there Goodreads being the most non-commercial one

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@csims30 ?this site doesn?t have good collection of Indian Authors like Premchand, R.K. Narayan etc

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@acook31 i noticed one aspect that it is becoming a promotional platform where paid reviews put reviews, often overrated reviews, and for those books which are totally waste of time.

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I read a lot of books and before purchasing i do refer book reviews.

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It's up to you to determine whether they are any good

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@bcollins34 You can find reviews wherever you buy books, Amazon, B&N, Quora, Goodreads, Smashwords, Shelfari

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@bcollins34 Look & Feel...Although it could do with a visual overhaul to bring it up to date, everything is in place and easy to navigate. Once you click on an individual title the number of options available to explore expands massively.

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@cmoore36 All five of the test books are present and correct, and though the total number of books isn?t listed, the number of users suggests there will be few gaps in the library

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For YA novels, YA Book Blog Directory

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Goodreads has a pretty large reader base. If you can target a couple of those with large following, you'll get a very wide reach.

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@emorgan39 It depends on what type of book you like. I personally was unable to find any sites I liked?

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@rcoleman3a Epic reads is also nice......

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@rmorgan3b Shelfari is owned and powered by Amazon, but that?s mostly to its credit. It?s free, it?s comprehensive, and it?s extremely user friendly.

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@lmedina3c Try this one out. This has come up recently but really a good one.

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GoodReads wins out thanks to a strong user base, a huge database, and an overall look and feel which just edges out Shelfari and LibraryThing.?

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@clarson3e How did you miss New York Journal of Books

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thank you for the comments. I really needed to find a book reviewing site except Goodreads and the comments helped me thoroughly.

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@rtaylor3g is another book review site. The reviews are meaty and well written.

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@rtaylor3g I've found a blog called Vogue In Literature that has excellent reviews on books. It's free and does the job well.

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@rtaylor3g I've used Goodreads for years, I'm a Librarian there and have just started a group discussing Boomer lit (growing fast too!) - so I guess I have to agree with you that Goodreads is the best of the lot, though I do like Shelfari

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@mwashington3j ?I don't really use Goodreads to search for books - more to discuss them and find like-minded spirits!?

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