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Automated waste disposal


The volume of waste is growing all the time. Eventually, we will run out of lands to dump our wastes and it will become everybody's problem. Segregation is a way to reuse non-biodegradable waste and let biodegradable waste decompose naturally. Right now, we have several trash cans to sort out waste. But sometimes, wastes are still being mixed because simply mistakes happen or maybe some people just don't care. A trash can that automatically sort biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials is the solution to this problem.

3 points | 51 comments

Internet services network


Various companies are in the talks of developing an internet service will operate on a much bigger scale providing a new way for relatively few people to make calls, trade texts, and access the good old internet via their smartphones. The plan is for cellphones and landlines to be connected via the internet. This will replace the landline and cellphone networks with internet based connections. There will be no need to pay cellphone and landline bills as long as you have internet. But the implications are still enormous.

1 points | 59 comments

Smart external hard drives


Unless you have OCD, there's no way for you to know the remaining capacity of your external drive without plugging it in your computer. With file and video sizes quickly increasing these days, capacity management of your external hard drive is becoming more important. It's difficult to manage the capacity without knowing the remaining space so it would be good if there's a display in the external drive that shows this information. This can save you a lot of time in checking the space in the computer. Also minimizes the damage done to the USB port everytime you plug and remove the drive.

1 points | 70 comments

Rate my teachers


The best teachers leave their mark on us long after we've left the classroom (or other learning situation). Some websites now are paying homage to them. There are websites that shows the ratings and reviews for a teacher. If you think about it, this is a valuable tool in college if you were smart enough to parse out the real reviews from the slackers. You should also take this with a grain a salt, though - lots of students head there to vent about their least favorite teachers and knock down their ratings...

4 points | 50 comments

Pet hotel


For pet owners, one of the main problems they have is when they leave the house for a long period of time. If they are lucky, they can have their neighbors or relatives take care of their pet but for others they might need to bring their pets with them. A possible solution to this is a pet hotel. Leave your pets in these hotels whenever you travel. Also if your pets are friendly enough they could also interact with other pets. It's like a daycare for animals with the luxury of hotels.

1 points | 88 comments

Travel guide app


Whether you're hitting the training or taking to the skies this travel season, you could do with a cool travel app to help you plan your itinerary, and what we know now is that an app allows us to have plenty of time to do everything we want (or need) to do while we're traveling. It would be great to have an app that shows all important information to tourists, like, well, ourselves. It can contain maps, recommendation of places to visit and guides you through its transportation system. We need a worry free travel this 2017.

7 points | 73 comments

No blind spot mirror


When I make a 45-degree turn to enter another lane, it's hard for me to see the approaching vehicles from behind. I find this to be very dangerous when the vehicles are really fast and seems to be coming out of nowhere. Turning at this angle creates blind spots because of the vehicle frames blocking your view and your side and rear view mirrors are useless because they're pointing at different directions. I think a good solution to this is to widen the angle of these mirrors to increase the field-of-view. Make the mirror angles wide enough so that there are no longer blind spots.

10 points | 51 comments

Condom STD test


We have brilliant kids now. A group of students have invented a condom that changes color when it comes in contact with a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Safe to say, this isn't the color we want to see during a lovely time. They call their invention S.T.EYE. It would 'theoretically' have molecules in the rubber that would glow. The condom would glow green for chlamydia, yellow for herpes, purple for human papillomavirus (HPV) and blue for syphilis. The conversation after the condom glows between both partners is rippled with awkwardness or worse... fear.

4 points | 75 comments

Senior health and wellness

A gym for senior citizens. Customized fitness routines for the elderly and those with health conditions. Also includes a diet plan for healthier eating habits. Longevity through exercise and diet.

5 points | 53 comments

Natural sources of energy


Scientists are currently studying how to tap the energy naturally created by people's bodies - such as movement, heat and sound - to power devices without the need to change batteries. Without the hassle of carrying these huge power banks with us all the time. The researchers said that the implant is small enough that it could be placed in one's ear. Experts also predict that the device for bioenergy harvesting could be available within the decade. Imagine if we can charge our smartphones through our ear? Science, you did it again.

8 points | 0 comments

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