Healthy junk food

It's easy to pat yourself on the back for the one vegetable you ate today - it feels like a victory. Everyday feels like a battle to eat healthier. Even the occasional drive through can do damage to your waistline. Thanks to the healthy snack swaps, feel free to indulge on better-for-you versions of your favorite unhealthy foods. It's probably the ultimate down-home, guilty pleasure to eat healthy junk foods that will delight your taste buds and fuel your body with the energy you need to go about your busy day. Enjoy life. Feel good doing it. The taste of better health.

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I?m not going to advocate anyone do this, but the high protein level in these particular cookies will ensure you *won?t* be hungry shortly after the way that you would with cookies that are all sugar/carbs.

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@jchapman2r This is one of the best benefits of high-protein foods.

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@jchapman2r That bag has 30g/20g more than your recommended daily amount of sugar in it - that amount of sugar will make you hungry negating any fullness the protein will have because of the way your blood sugar will spike

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@jchapman2r Protein effects your hormones in your brain, not your cells.?

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@rjohnston2u So technically since Oreos have 14g of sugar per serving, instead of 18g like these cookies

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@rjohnston2u I?m not sure you can conclude these cookies would hold up in making you more full.

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making your?cells?release insulin to get that sugar inside your?cells?to regulate your levels back to normal.

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:@gholmes2z What cells are you talking about here?

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@gholmes2z Things like this is why I tend to skip the prepacked crap as much as possible.

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@acook31 But honestly unless your an pro athlete or suffer from some medical condition you don?t need to eat a ton of protein.

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Okay, how about making healthy foods that don?t taste like bitter, stale, cardboard?

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@cstewart33 ?Having tried a variety of new things, I find most taste aggressively disgusting.

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@cstewart33 ?I am left with the same issue; I want to eat better, but nothing good for me is tolerable as food. Leaving me with very few choices, which makes for boring repetition.?

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@sstone35 I recommend starting with roast vegetables.

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@sstone35 Take (for instance) Brussels sprouts. Slather ?em in a little olive oil, add salt and cracked pepper, maybe some cayenne if that?s your speed, and roast em at 400 degrees F for 40 minutes.

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@sstone35 You seem to be under the impression that healthy food ?owes? it to you to taste good.?

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Your reward for eating healthy is not an enjoyable experience; your reward is not dying at 40.

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@emorgan39 If you find yourself averse to the tastes of individual healthy foods, then the key can be to cram as many together into one serving as possible.?

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@emorgan39 KEEP AT IT. Many healthy foods are acquired tastes. After a while you get used to them and then start to like them

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@rmorgan3b The psychology of healthful eating starts to take root- you eventually can?t distinguish between ?do I like the way it tastes? or ?do i like how it makes me feel.?

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@rmorgan3b Well, what kinds of flavors do you like??

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@tharvey3d Sometimes it?s not about eating raw kale by itself, but mixing it in with things you already like.

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I love vegetables, but I also loooovee some traditionally unhealthy foods.?

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Cool experiment

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I think most people who don?t like vegetables just don?t know how to cook.

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@mwashington3j I wouldn?t want to eat boiled broccoli or pureed winter squash either. But pretty much any vegetable is awesome when you roast it and sprinkle it with salt

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@mwashington3j There are lots of options, probably even without trying (many) new and weird things.?

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I have a love/hate relationship with this type of stuff. I hate that it?s obviously junk food pretending to be healthy, and a lot of this stuff tastes awful.?

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@emarshall3m I ?love it when my friends and family fall victim to this stuff.?

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@emarshall3m If I say anything I?m a food snob that doesn?t let anyone have fun. Eat a real damn cookie.?

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@emarshall3m Have a damn steak.?

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@tpalmer3p That organic free range farm actually sounds pretty great. I?m going to go look for one now??

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@tpalmer3p I want to slaughter wild boar!! I want the risks!!! The thrill of the hunt!! The battle at the end!! ... where no one *knows* who?ll come out the winner!!

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?If you?re going to eat crap, you might as well eat good crap and if you?re going to eat healthy, than stop being such an idiot and following for the ?healthy junk food? scam.

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@dlarson3s My girlfriend buys these healthy style sesame chip things.?

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@dlarson3s I had been trekking through the Sahara for a week without water. I checked the salt content and there was enough sodium to turn a lake into a sea. They?re not awful tasting, but honestly go get some fucking BBQ Lays or something if you?re going

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@mday3u The first thing I did on my road to recovery from an unhealthy relationship with food was to stop being judgemental about individual foods

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health food marketing that includes phrases like ?guilt-free? really irk me

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@cevans3w as if somehow packing an otherwise mediocre cookie with protein means you can now eat it with a clean conscious.

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