Comfort shoes


We use our feet more than any other body part - perhaps this is why stress seems to build up in our feet. Now, what if I told you that there is a product specifically made to relax our tired nerves in our feet? There is a shoe that massages your tired feet when you are not moving. Though not as fulfilling as having your feet massaged by another, a shoe massager enables you to care for your feet on a regular basis, to de-stress and pamper your feet as you see fit. Any. Time. Of. The. Day. Good news for your stressed out nerves right?

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Severe pain in my feet from running and coaching basketball. I started wearing the massage slippers instead of my normal addidas slippers and the pain was gone after a few day

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@hese massage slippers do a good job of relaxing sore feet.

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@ learned that a higher setting is required to get a good relaxing massage. This is due, @ am sure, to the number of contact points

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@sing conductive adhesive on the feet helps

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@hat is conductive adhesive?

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@keptical of these at first, but after using them for the past week, I love them

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I think these shoes give a really great deep tissue massage to your pressure points in your feet.

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I have a lot of pain in my feet. These can help relive my pain.?

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@ut these will hurt if you are not used to acupressure type shoes

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@ou will get used to them after a while. I have recommend these to family and friends.

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@t should be of great design

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@ou have to get these...I've bought them for my entire family =)

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@t will get some time to get used to @t

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I used to work barefoot (for hands-on massage, not to be confused with doing barefoot massage), and while I loved it, my body did?not?love standing on a hard floor all day with no arch support.

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I love these too. Better than Crocs!!

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I need those in my life

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How do you clean these slippers?

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@ipe them down with anything, just don't submerge them.?

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@ cannot stand, @n a wheelcha@r. can @ use them? and what s@ze are they?

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@ think the post did not state any sizes

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@oooh.... I feel it all the way through my foot and up the lower leg to the back of the knee

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@ust tried this for the first time. I can feel it all the way up past my knees

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?My only issue is that I have big feet

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this should be cheaper

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@y the dozen

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@ like the pun

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?The electrodes stick up high in these.

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@hese are great after standing on my feet all day

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@ow price please

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@I would recommend these to anyone with foot pain

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@ used the @Q massage shoes once and the felt good soothing my feet.

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@his worked with my massager and I'm so glad cause it was a very relaxing experience!

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