@rbarnesam Not working for me... big pain in the ass. I do everything it says here, very simple stuff. but it just doesnt forward... so frustrating..?
@mdixonal Yeahh I dunno I think this app is for Korean, Japanese, and other foods without having to guesstimate at its actual caloric and nutritive content, without having to fall back at the actual ingredients?
@mdixonal use this for vr?
@rbarnesam I have to imagine some of the comments are fake. Or someone trolling. People can't be THAT stupid...
@mdixonal Unfortunately a few seconds will never be enough time especially
@mdixonal I need to be able to record for up to possibly three hours.
@mfoxai Magnetic fields can be generated by passing a current through a wire.? Winding that wire into a coil intensifies the field.? Wrapping the coil around an iron core will intensify it further.??
@rbarnesam I've only had this for 2 months and I was out of the country for one of those months and it stopped working.
?All for solar but... This will not help a single poor person. May be a hand full of median income family's.
I'm having a problem my A/C isn't cooling on a very hot day, but at night or in the rain is cold?
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