IQ microblogging


Life has become more complex but we hardly ever notice it because technology has made us dumber than ever. In computers, this would be the processing speed and RAM capacity - the more you have, the faster and more effortlessly you can multi-task, and the higher the quantity and complexity of stuff you can handle. Imagine if a website requires you to post depending on your IQ points. It would be a nightmare for some, or worse, everyone.

33 points | 58 comments


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I know lots of?stupid people?exist, but most?people?aren't this?dumb

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Million reasons why the internet is the breeding ground for idiots

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@jwagner9q Social media should probably be more of a privalege than a right. For the good of the people, clearly.?

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How does it come that when you are reading comments for something, like a youtube video or a new story or whatever, that most of the comments are just some stupid nonsense?

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@ncarter9s yeah... a lot of people haven't got anything constructive to say. That of course does not stop them.

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@ncarter9s Add to this the lack of anything constructive to say, and you've basically summed up comments in general.

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Yeah, this.

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I'm not sure I could chalk it up to 100% anonymity.

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@mkim9w I dont think its anonymity..I think people really are that stupid/awful

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@ecooper9x It's also relatable to a George Carlin bit about driving; where anyone driving slower than you is an asshole and anyone going faster is a maniac. Perception plays a big part.

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I've thought about this a bit lately, and I wonder if in youtube's case there's just a shitload of trolls. I believe this because if I thought 3/4 of the world was illiterate, racist, sexist, and so on, then I would be "Edgy McEdgerson, edger of happy hedges".?

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@if fuckwad theory applies, the removal of mods would essentially turn this place into a cesspool unworthy of logical conversation.?

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@jcarpenter9z Does the presence of mods counteract that??

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@mperkinsa0 I think it's just a mix of anonymity and people trying to act like something they're not (funny, cool, whatever else) and it just back firing horribly or likely just trolls hoping to get people to react to the stupidity.

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@jcarpenter9z ?if fuckwad theory applies, the removal of mods would essentially turn this place into a cesspool unworthy of logical conversation.?

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It's also relatable to a George Carlin bit about driving; where anyone driving slower than you is an asshole and anyone going faster is a maniac. Perception plays a big part.

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@clittlea3 Though for some they are just that stupid.

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Well, look a politics. About half of your nation supports the other side, who are obviously wrong.

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I think comments are the innermost feelings of the people posting them, with the thinking before saying thing stripped away (though some do indeed think before typing).?

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Basically, because of the anonymity the internet provides, people (for whatever reason) find themselves saying less-than-intelligent things, that they wouldn't normally say to a person IRL.

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@ematthewsa7 Actually, most people are legitimately idiots when it comes to things they don't understand.

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@gdavisa8 ?Or they're uncomfortable.

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@gdavisa8 People care about their RL reputations, but the reality is, they're stupid and the internet is a good place for them to air their stupidity and be not be judged as a human being directly.

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