Earthquake zones

Large-scale digital mapping of any fault zone based on aerial photograph interpretation. It presents the most detailed map of the the different faults, such detail allows users to see locations of roads and buildings.Some of the homes and buildings located in the metropolitan area are on top of the dangerous fault valley system. This is useful and it should be downloaded online according to the government agency in-charge of the earthquakes in the country.

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We have to look at the story of Project NOAH for inspiration for the solution to the situation

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?Unfortunately a few seconds will never be enough time especially in a big one but I do hope they are successful in developing a better early warning system

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@jwagner9q Agreed but fear and the thought of being prepared are good motivators for a purchase, great money making scheme.

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@lbarnes9r I'm assuming you've never been through a major earthquake then.?

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@jwagner9q Seconds absolutely matter when the world around is shaking hard enough to bring down structures.

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@jwagner9q it could mean the difference between being caught in a collapse or getting to a safe zone.

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Do visit NZ some time lol.

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@ewoods9v ?I have experienced both in the North and South Islands so your assumption is incorrect.

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@ewoods9v For some, absolutely will that few seconds allow them to get to a safe place but for others they will freeze or panic and then risk others' lives.?

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@ecooper9x ?I'm just not sold that a few seconds will make much difference on account?of the flight or fight instinct inherent in all of us.

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? @pkim9y Now a few minutes is enough to slap someone and get them moving lol

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@ecooper9x And how exactly would those who freeze and panic not benefit from a few seconds warning.

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?Kind of a joke, even if it were five days, what are you supposed to do? Tie your house to a balloon or tape everything down? Start living in the backyard?

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@twatkinsa2 When u experience earthquake, take cover, don't run like maniac.

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@twatkinsa2 For my early warning, my pets have warned me at least a minute before I felt the tremors and this has happened at least 4 times a when I was in Indonesia.

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?I doubt it would help very much at all.

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@sraya5 ?In a crowded store or class room have a stamped of people trampling over people killing them maybe more than the strenght of the earthquake itself, not work it at all. 10min. plus or hours yes.

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Great idea, tsunami warnings would be cool too.

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?this app. should be given to south korea so that they know b4 North Koria does nulear test

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@gdavisa8 LOL!

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In a few seconds I can get to the same room my kids are in. I'll take it.

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?EARTHquake or without Earthquake When you time of DEATH COMES YOU HAVE TO GO!!

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@aburnsab Not always.

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@aburnsab It's very I can use my time travel app..anytime if earthquakes occur

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?Can we just send a TEXT to all phones??

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@tcoleae for Earthquake?and Tsunami?

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@tcoleae That would be really great.

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? @tcoleae Or air strikes as well.. So that children can save themselves

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