Self-sustaining electric vehicles


Regenerative braking is helpful in extending the range of electric cars. The problem is that the motor is only 80% efficient in turning electricity into rolling power. The engine will be powered by a battery but when the vehicle is in motion the battery is charged from the mechanical energy coming from the wheels. This conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy and then back to electrical energy creates a loop that sustains energy. Energy losses are compensated by an amplifier that equalizes energy levels.

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The Engine mapping to produce a rudimentary traction control was really just exploiting a loophole which has now been closed.

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@jwagner9q Which tells you everything you need to know about this sort of article from this type of source.

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@lbarnes9r the only reason they don't have that stuff now is solely because it's banned

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@jwagner9q Perhaps McLaren has some amazing prototype stuff mocked up in some secret back garage, but we won't see any of it.

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@ncarter9s You must agree that whatever electronics that are in the GT-R are thousands of times more capable than what the 959 used, cutting edge though it was.

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I must say the Williams FW14-b was a pretty cool car for the time

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We'd be seeing ungodly fast hyper-advanced F1 cars today if the Williams hadn't been banned.?

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I honestly wish we weren't so limited as a species. So that the cars could continue to just get quicker and quicker.

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oh man, the fan cars were amazing. Definitely a major step forward in recognizing the importance of the aerodynamics under the car.

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the most advanced cars of all time, not the most advanced cars?of?their time.?

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Part of the reason why Citroen made the DS so advanced was just because the company didn't want to spend a lot of money updating it over the years, so they just decided to make the most advanced car possible and sell it largely unchanged for a couple of decades.

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@ still think the Karma beats the Volt in technologically advanced hybrid design, but @ suppose the Volt's cost advantage has to be accounted.

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@mperkinsa0 And reliability issues.

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@mperkinsa0 Oh wow look at our technology now

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@mperkinsa0 Are you seriously suggesting that the Citroen DS is more technologically advanced than any of these vehicles? Not for their time. Of all time.

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@clittlea3 The Karma looks better but the technology does not work as well in the real word, not even close.

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Germany is very progressive in leading the way for solar energy?

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@pmorrisa6 Let us assume a source and a load. The load would then be an energy conversion device (such as a motor) which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Current would flow from source to load and flow back to source through the return p

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@ematthewsa7 The Whole point is going from A too B, and as for being fast and how strong it will be

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@gdavisa8 This concept is seriously flawed in so many ways. But Its a cool idea. I would be extremely surprised if this saw real production.?

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@gdavisa8 No chance of that happening.?

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@gdavisa8 Just between you and me,? I think the motion of charged particles in a magnetic field? is Just Plain Magic!??

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They should build harging station should have solar panels all over the ground so the concentrated sunlight will generate even more juicy juice.?

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@cgilbertad Yes, and this could cut down on (in most cases) fossil fuels burning 24/7 to keep giant turbines cranking along.?

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@tcoleae Hmmmm, there fore charging up the grid and earning money for the car owner. It's a great concept because not every car will have the same amount of charging to to do and

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@cgilbertad In the U.S. most electricity is from coal burning plants. I'm not saying I have the clean energy solution but energy from coal to power our cars is not it.?

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@cgilbertad Kind of a neat concept.

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There is useful energy transfer in the car engine , You can see that the car engine transfers the chemical energy which is stored in the fuel into the kinetic energy of expanding gas via combustion in the engine and the wheels .

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@mfoxai The rotation of the rotor in the motor (the source of the mechanical energy) is produced is a factor of the motor construction. In general the rotation is produced by the interaction of 2 magnetic fields.

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@gclarkaj Engineering 101!

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@gclarkaj You can couple a motor and generator and do both process simultaneously by providing extra biasing energy for working machines .

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@mdixonal anddddd you have to divide the power of the solar panels by the average power the electric motor delivers while driving.

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@mfoxai Magnetic fields can be generated by passing a current through a wire.? Winding that wire into a coil intensifies the field.? Wrapping the coil around an iron core will intensify it further.??

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