Automatic car air conditioning system


Regulates the air temperature in your car even when the engine is off. Very useful for situations when you're parked in open areas exposed to direct sunlight. The car will automatically cool itself for you so you wouldn't bear with the heat when entering the car. For snowy areas, the car will keep the temperature warm.

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I have a 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer ES. My A/C problem seemed to be when my car is at a stand still. I have 2 condenser fans motor and I have seen both of them turn on and off which tells me that they are working.....

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stupid question, how come using the ac uses so much gas, instead of battery power??

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@ have always heard that the high efficiency parallel flow condensers work much better than the early single pass units.

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@ercedes Benz has had some objection

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@o long as your refrigerant doesn't leak down you're fine

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@'ve done thousands of air-conditioners and I'm not a fan of recharging because you don't know if you're low until you recover and weigh the refrigerant

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So how often should you recharge your AC and oil the compressor??

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Evaporator does not need to be replaced.

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How to wash the air conditioner system??

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The only problem with taking it to a professional is that they will charge you $800 to $1500 no matter what is wrong and it may still not work right.

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@he auto repair business, and especially AC repair is one of the biggest consumer scams and rip offs

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If your AC is not empty and has refrigerant , that it is perfectly normal that is just your compressor going on and off that is what it sounds like?

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does lower a/c temperature consume more fuel? will making the temperature colder cost more fuel thank making the fan spin faster??

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I use to burn up ebay for parts

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how can i condense this build this and put it into a cooler as a mobile air conditioning system. also am able to make this a solar powered unit ??

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@ don't think Solar powered is a realistic option

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@equires real power, much more than those cells can currently produce. You would need tons of batteries and such to sustain the compressor.

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@ot to mention the incredible cost?

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@ow stupid would it be to take the ac from a car and install it in a small shed??

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@ake a video of it!

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