Solar rooftop

Compared to a brand kitchen remodel, installing solar panels on your roof is about as thrilling as insulating the attic. You need a sunny roof to benefit from solar panels, but yours may be sunnier than you think. Just read up the pros in installing a solar panel. The price of solar panels and systems has dropped significantly. More financing options means solar is more affordable for more people. You can buy dolar panels that are shaped like rooftoop tiles that can cover your whole roof. Solar energy is used to power the house.

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It's nothing new

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@jwagner9q it's been out over ten years

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@jwagner9q The first time I saw solar roof shingles was around 1987. It's not a new idea.

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@jwagner9q Sorry Tesla

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?awesome just added this in my renovation wish list

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@cbutler9u Renovate every 20 years..

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@ewoods9v lol

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@cbutler9u Ok. What about the price?

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do we need a new roof?

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Design thinking works

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?How about release date? Pricing?

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? @mperkinsa0 pricing will be cheaper than a standard roof

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@wgomeza1 I hope so, but have been told by solar industry folks to not hold my breath.

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my neighbors would probably want theirs installed

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@clittlea3 ?Let's move on this people. Put off that boring trip to southern beaches and redo your roof!!!! It's the new Fashion statement..

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@clittlea3 People not paying much attention, but all this provides jobs, and early adopters help bring the price down. Bloomberg covered this last fall.

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Thought of this in 2002. Just wasn't connected like Tesla is.

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@pmorrisa6 Lol this is like 3 month old news. 2017 has not been a great year for news I guess

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? @pmorrisa6 Not really just out anymore

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Those are beautiful

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I want I want!

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@aburnsab ?this might just solve the discussion

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@aburnsab this sounds amazing

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@cgilbertad I know! No way there could be esthetic objections to this!

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