@nhamilton38 I get that, I do, but I don't think it's fair that the customer has to carry that responsibility.
@srodriguez37 the implication that we should slow or halt progress for the sake of protecting jobs is just as absurb and naive now as it was then
how can we switch our room light on/off even when not connected through the tubelight?? but just connecting the device to ver light???
?And then there's reality..
i cannot stand, in a wheelchair. can i use them? and what size are they?
@nhamilton38 all I need the electric side of this program to do
@nhamilton38 some companies are currently focusing on research of energy saving solutions in high temperature furnace application and providing full sets refractory&insulation products used in furnaces
@emorgan39 but they said that this lense will be used in treating far sighted ness
@nhamilton38 What theyve done is illegal (if they did actually fly the distance they say) and someone needs to address aerosight for their incompetence and illegal operation. Stunts like that put us serious UAV operator's industry at risk.
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