Automated waste disposal


The volume of waste is growing all the time. Eventually, we will run out of lands to dump our wastes and it will become everybody's problem. Segregation is a way to reuse non-biodegradable waste and let biodegradable waste decompose naturally. Right now, we have several trash cans to sort out waste. But sometimes, wastes are still being mixed because simply mistakes happen or maybe some people just don't care. A trash can that automatically sort biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials is the solution to this problem.

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The trash cans will have sensors to identify if the material is organic or non-organic. It then routes the wastes into its designated trash can. The sensor is so precise it can sort plastic and real fruits. Someone pulls a prank on you and places mixed and fake fruits in the dinner table. Just throw them in the trash can and let it sort the fruits for you. After they are sorted you can have the edible fruits.

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...but where will the fruit flies live??

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@r, you could dig a hole in your garden bed and dump your waste in and let nature do it in a tech less manner.

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@ would love this

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@hen I win the lotto

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I need this in our life

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?Looks like a good idea, but really costly.....

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Would be great....but too well thought out.....too efficient....for our governements..!

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@ery impractical.

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@uture???? A system is running in my town since 10 years ago.... by the wat, the hidraulic unit to rise the plattform is in the truck.

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?Nice system, here in our country. Have to scan your ID to open the bin.. If you don't live in the area your ID won't work

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@his does seem a little far-fetched. However I do like the idea.?

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@ould save from bears raccoons dogs xcetera getting into the trash

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@ome of my neighbors can't even put a cardboard box on the recyclables garbage can.

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@hat's funny, recyclables.

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@This already exists!?

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Crumbs! What a complicated way of just getting rid of rubbish!

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@And then there's reality..

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@tupid idea

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@ever seen this before

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@hat will you then do with your garbage, litter, waste???

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@ou have to segregate your garbage at home and then you can place it inside the designated bin.?

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?Finally, somewhere i can put all these dead bodies

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?Hopefully one day in Asia have had one like this .so cool

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@maybe its goood,,but wha about the noise !!!!

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@Added value on municipal taxes for garbage collection, as if we did need more.

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@eems like a wasteful idea... yea pun intended...

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now if they had some sort of incinerator or.. whatever makes it into fertilizer... THAT would be a good idea to have

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@n underground incinerator for each set of bins? That's ins@ne. Think of the smoke @nd safety issues. Much better to have one big central incinetator (or mulching Or recycling pl@nt etc) @nd bring the waste to it.

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@There's already been a viral video of a kid climbing in one, so an incinerator would be just sad in the end, since humans are stupid and whatnot

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@Not to mention murderers have easy disposal now

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@In Switzerland you get similar setups for recycling bins

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