@tramirez56 the recent review of risks and benefits? did not find any support for the notions held that pasteurization compromises the nutritional value of the milk
@hross54 I hertz myself, today..?
@tramirez56 I know. I've really been noticing it a lot lately with my shopping. I am trying to make changes bit by bit but it's still really disheartening to buy products that I need and haven't yet found a suitable alternative for and which have non recy
@rgomez55 Conversely, marry when you're 22.
I love Ben Heck, and he does some amazing things, but I tend to only hear about his exploits from other people.
I can see how this would be great for disabilities. Not at all convinced about making it a work station!
Paint brush tips work best?
@rgomez55 They may need to start using a better base material like canvas. Then they could sell their work.?
@tramirez56 they should have the microsoft lens for this
@tramirez56 Cancer is fundamentally a metabolic disease caused by bad diet.
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