Cure for cancer


According to researchers the future of medicine wont focus on the symptoms of the disease but will focus on curing it at the genetic level. Nanotechnology, the science of working with particles, enables scientist to change the gene expression to a molecular level. Medical advancements will have a wide variety of uses and could potentially save a great number of lives. Nanotechnology is still in its early stages. Only recently that scientists are able to produce microscopes that allowed them to see and manipulate nanoparticles.

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I believe there has been a cure for cancer for a long time, There is no money to be made on a healthy person

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@fhernandez45 that's great news.

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@fhernandez45 Stop donating your money to cancer research

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@bgreene47 Aspirin a day keeps the doctor away..?

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@fhernandez45 You have pain, you take drugs, you become addicted.

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@fhernandez45 clearly there isnt

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this is amazing. now cure death..?

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@bmorris4c overpopulation will happen.?

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@bmorris4c damn my pops has cancer I hope theirs a cure before we get more bad news

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@cclark4e If... this comes to market, it will be super super expensive.?

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@cclark4e a lot of these biomedical companies shout about these amazing inventions to attract investors

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@rrose4g Can they find a cure for persistent acid/reflux or gerd?

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Cannabis is the cure?

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@skennedy4k Science has enslaved us.?

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@ewest4m We live in the second renaissance ?

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@ewest4m Only science could save us?

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@ewest4m Scary, adding foreign DNA to our bodies....

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The future is curing death?

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@ntorres4r there is no way the government and the big pharma would ever let people have the cures.

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@ntorres4r no money in cure , only treatment . nothing will become of this I bet .?

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@dhamilton4t when they discover the cure it'll be available to the richest and most powerful people on earth?

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@dhamilton4t There's no politics in science, go somewhere else to discuss that.?

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there are plenty of cures.?

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@mharrison4w Everything is supposed have a miracle cure

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@mharrison4w there are actually conspiracy theorists that think that cancer is actually a natural and healthy process of your body

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@cscott4y They haven't cured it because they make too much money treating it.

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@mharrison4w stop eating meat, dairy and eggs. reduce cancer chance by around 60%.?

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@mharrison4w Speaking as someone involved in research and knows people working directly on cancer, that statement is absolute rubbish.

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Cure of cancer has been found decades ago.?

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@hross54 Although,i think death is the thing which makes me believe that we all are equal.

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@hross54 they can't cure it because they need to maintain profits, healthy cancer free people equals no patients, no doctors, no drugs, no money.

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@tramirez56 Cancer is fundamentally a metabolic disease caused by bad diet.

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@hross54 the government knows the cure ...please tell me who the government is.?

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@trice58 Believe it or not, cancer is related to unforgiveness.?

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Marijuana has benefits during chemotherapy, because it is a analgesic (pain reduction) not because it helps you with therapy.

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@rclark5b It is as effective cure as aspirin.?

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Thank you for being aware.?

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@pmccoy5d I was just about to comment that?

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@eday5f the only good thing about cancer is pretty much the sign?

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@eday5f population control.?

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@asmith5h So informative!?

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@eday5f big pharma buys up anything and everything they find as per cure to keep 'their' business alive

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@tphillips4j Personally, I believe there is a cure for cancer

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