Anti graffiti paint

This unique product creates a non-stick surface that repels graffiti from paint, paint spray cans and permanent markers. Unlike other products, this single-component doesn't require solvent cleaning or abrasives to remove graffiti. Simple pressure washing or hand-wiping with water does the job easily and economically. Imagine if you can spray this paint to that annoying graffiti outside your house and immediately prevent vandalism by using paint that does not absorb ink. Hopefully in the future, we can invent a paint that could erase people, but that's wishful thinking.

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we doin' hard to buff inks! :P?

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im sick of these anti graffiti people GRAFFITI ISNT VANDALISM GRAFFITI IS ART!?

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@bgreene47 nobody said grafitti isn't art, now a days even an upside down toilet can be art.

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@bgreene47 We can change these things

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@bgreene47 whuttt???

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@jharris4a No more ruining the city?

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too all graffiti writers being the buff man is very convenient cuz you will have all the spots?

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nano coating = WIN.

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Nano coating only covers and bonds over the paint it allows any future paint the freedom to be wiped away as easy as you saw.

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A water rinse is ideal after all paint has been removed.?

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how if the graffiti is big???

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@rrose4g what type of question is this?

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What makes me sad is, I spent hours and hours working on a mural my local council had commissioned me to do. Then someone came along (showing no respect for what I did) and tagged my artwork

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Is it possible to use the product for street signs to make graffiti removing easier??

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What would you recommend for protecting murals from graffiti since I think you stated the best coating for paint is paint.

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