Pasteurized milk detector


It doesn't take a science genius to know when milk has expired - you just take a whiff. But the tricky part here is detecting if the milk is pasteurized or not? Which milk is better raw milk or conventionally, pasteurized milk? The debate continues. The concept of this idea is that it is like a 'smart milk detector' it will automatically detects if the milk is pasteurized. Just realize that if you do decide to drink raw milk, there are some safety concerns, and raw milk may even not be allowed to be sold, and think about the germs... the many germs that could be swimming in your drink. Gulp away.

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This is a marketing gimmick due to higher milk prices.

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@sstevens46 Next gimmick: a black silhouette of a cow. Rub on it and see if you see a cow insignia underneath. If you do, the milk came from a real cow. If you don't, it came from a bootleg cow.

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@sstevens46 I am going shopping for milk since i am 12 or so ... so thats 14 years now. And never in that time i managed to buy a carton of milk that was spoiled from at the shop.

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@agomez48 it would make sense if the device could be activated at home though.

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lol i'm still not blown away

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In all my years, I have never bought a pasteurized milk.

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@tgraham4b I don't need an electronic sensor to tell me any of that.

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@tgraham4b If milk looks like yogurt- it's spoiled.

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@lbarnes4d yes and if the yogurt looks like cottage cheese- it's spoiled.

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@lbarnes4d If cottage cheese looks like regular cheese- it's spoiled.

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so is it too hard to look at the and read the package?

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@rrose4g Maybe what their sayin' is, if you're going to the type of grocery store where you might pull already-spoiled milk off the shelf, you need to go to a different store.

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TBA or MRS methods could be used to?detect?dried?milk?in fresh?pasteurized milk

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Independent studies are showing raw dairy from healthy free ranging sheep, goats, and even cows is superior in quality to pasteurized dairy.?

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@skennedy4k Truly an eye opener.

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@skennedy4k People are becoming more and more aware of something

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@ewest4m woah, yeah dude. plus you'll get like every zoonotic bacteria ever, yum <3 e coli is delicious??

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How many of you work at a dairy and know the difference??

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@sharris4o Raw milk from grass and sun fed heritage breed cows is MEDICINE! Boiled factory milk from grain fed mutant cows is POISON!?

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Well, nothing surprising there, the pasteurization extends the shelf life quite considerably of the UNOPENED packages. They always warn if you open the package, it can stay fit for 5 days at max.?

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@arivera4q Thank you.?

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