Energy source in chairs


Most of us are in an office environment. Like many office workers, we have chairs! When I'm sitting in said chair, our body heat seems to get absorbed by the glorious, cushiony, cloth-covered padding we are sitting on. This clever chair absorbs body heat and converts in to electrical energy. This chair can store the energy into a battery for later use. Might as well invest in this chair and make it more comfortable for office use and never fear to have a low battery ever again.

15 points | 49 comments

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?I don't want to associate work with comfort. I need a little stress and uncomfortableness so I can get up and walk outside and feel like a human being

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@lso a little stress helps with productivity

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@ecause pressure makes diamonds

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@I would get the most productive sleeper of the year award.

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@erhaps I'm not understanding you right. . . In order to be a human being and walk outside, you need a little stress and 'uncomfortableness' to achieve that?

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@ou're taking the post a little too literally my friend.

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?Not for me!!!

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Stress in the right amount can keep us motivated. There is great pride in being challenged and doing a great job through those challenges. I personally would fall asleep on the job if I got that comfortable.

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?Lol just because you're LITERALLY comfortable doesn't mean your work is .. Besides sitting does incredible damage to your body.. But to each their own .. Enjoy your stress.. healthy or not.

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?I would get the most productive sleeper of the year award.

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@ am confined to a wheelchair so @ can see how this would make things more comfortable for myself.

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@his would raise the bar for the disabled from being only productive a few hours a day to being an employable disabled person.

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I don?t need more energy.

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@ow much energy do we need?

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@OL SeriOUSLY guys???

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@ust get up and go outside and exercise

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Being pregnant I would kill for a chair that I could kick up my feet under and alternate angles throughout the day.?

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@e too. Turns out I'm most productive when I'm comfortable and not thinking about how my back hurts or my feet are swelling because my office chair is cutting into my knees.

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@t would reduce productivity due to the time wasted in getting in and out of the thing,?

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@As someone who has M.E./CFS a regular chair gets damn painful after a while. Even this kind of chair would be great

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I have an illness which leaves me in chronic pain 24/7 and basically house bound... the only thing that gets me through the day besides my husband and 13 year old daughter is my computer/laptop.

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@i'd like to have one too!?

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@this would be fantastic for people like us

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@ery less productive...cosy=low bp & low heart rate = sleepy = less productive..

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@hat the hell is that computation

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@but whatever makes people happy I guess

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?Forget stand up desks. Get so tired sitting or standing. This is what I gotta get!!

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?I didn't think Society was quiiiite lazy enough these days. It's good to see that we are taking it a little bit further for everybody.?

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