@ am using a see through ruler, an exacto knife an french curves. @t is working well. You just have to be sure not to make tiny slices into the paper with the exacto and not to cut too deep into angles.?
Or you can message me for custom printed tshirt sat a really good price. Yeah you don't get to be thrifty with it at home but you get them done cheaper professionally and in a larger number?
@ome tips for anyone trying this: If you don't have a press i'd put a couple washers on the corners of the screen to lift it off the shirt an 1/8 inch or so; the screen is flexible enough to hit the shirt and it won't stick and pull ink back off the print (only do one pass as the shirt will likely move and lining up again is impossible).
Am I the only one who just draws on t-shirts front n back than use fabric paint?? haha...the process is longer and more difficult but the creativity and placement is limitless.?
@he simplest way I can explain is basically you have a metal or wood frame with a silk screen stretched tightly over top of it. You take that screen and coat is with a photosensitive emulsion