Clay 3d modeling


If you've heard the buzz around 3D printing, you may think that we're in for a new boom in Star Trek-style clones are on their way to becoming real any day now. Well, a lot of that is true, but what exactly is the deal about 3D printing and clay modeling? Imagine if you have a software that copies the clay model and then use as the guide for 3D printer. It simplifies the design process since users no longer need to learn the 3D printer software. Just ?us? being mad scientist and creating our own model figures or toys.

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the assembly process is similar to way you would print ink on paper

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3D printing has actually been around for a long time, mostly in industrial settings

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@Like any technology though, the hardware got smaller and cheaper and the software required got easier to use over time

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@They've become extremely popular for people who want to make their own custom products and parts

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@es, just like the DIY types

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@f you're the DIY type, there's no question: they're useful.

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@f you're not a DIY enthusiast, keep an eye out for when 3D printed products make their way to you in other forms

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NASA is experimenting with 3D food printers for space travel, and just issued a grant for a 3D pizza printer.

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@asa ruins everything

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@peak for yourself

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@ompanies like Shapeways and Sculpteo will take your model or idea, and then 3D print the final object for you so you don't even need to invest in a printer.

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@ou can always turn to a professional 3D printing company with a line of industrial printers available to take @our order

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@f you're really serious about 3D printing, your best bet is to buy your own.?

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3D printing is still largely a hobby for hackers and makers right now

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?In a few years time, it'll be interesting to see how far 3D printing technology has come, and whether it's commonplace in people's lives.

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I have to say that I can?t wait to own my own 3D printer and be able to prototype or create custom projects so my wife doesn?t feel like murdering me everytime I pick up a new project and leave a catastrophe on the coffee table in the wake of my custom projects...

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Pretty cool and great idea!

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@?ve been wanting a 3D printer for a while, but they simply cost too much to jump in

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@I recently decided, my son jjust turned 5 and my daughter 1, when/if he starts really playing with action figures and my daughter the same (whether action figures or dolls), that?s when I?ll make the leap

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If you?re up to the challenge, you can build your own printer for a lot cheaper than 1,000

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@f you happen to be an engineer building a printer is an invaluable project to test your skills and educate yourself.?

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@uilding my first printer helped get me a job as an engineer at a major 3D printing company.

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@eah I?m an elec eng who does a lot of DIY stuff.?

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@ saw some of the D@Y kits when @ was thinking of taking the plunge, but just being blunt even $500 is a bit to chew on

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Making stuff because you can is an amazing and perfectly reasonable reason.?

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TinkerCAD is VERY basic modeling, but a great place to get started (especially for kids).

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@here are plans out there for making your own 3d printer.

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@ just stared ordering parts to build my own reprap 3d printer a couple days ago.

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@ntil I can purchase a materials recycler for failed projects, I will not be in the market for 3d printer. Its not cost effective othetrwise

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