Eye tracker


Depth perception is very complex, but it is not literally age-related. Depth perception is most helpful for tasks performed within 30 inches of our eyes. The two major causes of altered depth perception are reduced vision in one or both eyes, and secondly, eye muscle weakness. But according to a recent news, a company has developed an application that can show the line of sight. Per the patent filing, the device is meant to replace your eye's natural lens and it could be controlled using eye movements and blinking, the lens would potentially allow users to see clearly.

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it should?help the blind or visually impaired do daily tasks.

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@chenderson44 how would blind people download tje app or sign in o know what theyre doing and where they are going?

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@chenderson44 I mean OMG AWESOME. I want to BUY it so badly.

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@sstevens46 I WANT I WANT I WANT.

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I wonder if there is a way that these augmented reality glasses can be made to look more like, you know, regular glasses.

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@agomez48 maybe add a 'keyboard' overlay where the glasses read your finger movements so you can type on any horizontal surface as though it were a keyboard - access to a computer anywhere at anytime without staring at a screen and instead having it 'proj

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@r some kind of crazy abstract overlay object building program seems to be the most common application i have seen.?

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@agomez48 I don't think the product will be a huge success.

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@tgraham4b Reason?

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@bmorris4c 1.heavy 2.costly 3.power hog

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these glasses would really do well in the educational field like you said.

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why does this make me so angry??

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It should be a better looking version of the Hololens

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this is imposible?

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I hate those people who ask for like in the comments.

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@njohnson4i like if u hate them.?

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@njohnson4i you talk 2 much?

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this. Will not be cheap

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@bmedina4l I think this would be around 4,000 dollars

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@bmedina4l I. NEED> THISS. Lol joke

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@bmedina4l If i had enough money i would buy 10 of these?

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@sharris4o you and us both!??

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@bmedina4l Im glad im not the only one who's continuously blown away by the rate technology is moving.?

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how do I get one?

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this is just another glass for the eyes

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