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Indoor rock climbing treadmill that never runs out of wall


Imagine an endless rock climbing wall. As you climb to its peak, the wall moves downward with a new set of rock climbing holds. The speed and inclination can be controlled while also tracking the distance climbed. The rocks, which are the hand and foot hold for the climb, change positions on every cycle of the climb. Random variations of speed, inclination and rock positions can be programmed to make each climb unpredictable.

47 points | 88 comments

Baby massage


Nothing ruins a good night's sleep like a child. Most parents learn the hard way that sleep is terribly underrated. Before you had a kid, sure, you thought you cared about sleep, but it wasn't the most precious. Infant or baby massage may help your baby sleep well at night and during naps. Studies show that infants who are massaged by their parents before bed tend to fall asleep faster, sleep more deeply, and stay asleep longer. Good news indeed, for all the moms and dads with the bad and big eyebags out there!

28 points | 50 comments

Vote online


Voting online would create a new level of convenience during elections, so why haven't we been taking advantage of it? If we were to poll the readers of this article, we would likely find that the vast majority of readers - if not all - regularly shop online, make banking transactions online, fill out registrations and applications online, pay taxes online and maybe even vote for contestants in reality shows online. Yet Americans cannot vote for candidates for public office online.

17 points | 71 comments

End world hunger


Cloning of crops and livestock to increase food production. End world hunger by rapidly multiplying our food stock. We grow our food faster than we can consume.

19 points | 64 comments

Automated waste disposal


The volume of waste is growing all the time. Eventually, we will run out of lands to dump our wastes and it will become everybody's problem. Segregation is a way to reuse non-biodegradable waste and let biodegradable waste decompose naturally. Right now, we have several trash cans to sort out waste. But sometimes, wastes are still being mixed because simply mistakes happen or maybe some people just don't care. A trash can that automatically sort biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials is the solution to this problem.

3 points | 51 comments

Luggage tag with built in tracker


Due to the fast paced world we live in and the notoriously poor memory and poor services in the airport , we're left without assurance that our luggage will arrive with us when we land. Additionally, it can take a long time to find out where it is once you're at your destination. That's the exclusive advantage of technology and the birth of a luggage tracking device, because we can be in charge of the entire process and we'll always know in real-time, exactly where your luggage is. These are just some of the advantages in terms of performance and comfort that they can offer, but the best thing is, we are reminded that ... there is hope that we will never lose our luggage again.

30 points | 64 comments

Sound insulation in airplanes


The worst situation you can be in an airplane is when you are in a 16-hour flight and the other passengers are very noisy. What if the inner walls of the plane are built to absorb certain types of noise. The walls of the plane can be programmed to cancel out only certain types of sound because people will still might want to hear announcements from their captain or flight attendants.The purpose of the smart wall is to give the passengers a relaxing experience without sacrificing safety.

32 points | 51 comments

Self-sustaining electric vehicles


Regenerative braking is helpful in extending the range of electric cars. The problem is that the motor is only 80% efficient in turning electricity into rolling power. The engine will be powered by a battery but when the vehicle is in motion the battery is charged from the mechanical energy coming from the wheels. This conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy and then back to electrical energy creates a loop that sustains energy. Energy losses are compensated by an amplifier that equalizes energy levels.

30 points | 63 comments

Cure sweaty hands


Having sweaty hands makes life a little bit more difficult. It's like you can't have nice things. Every stuff you own is hard to keep in good condition. Try texting in your smartphone with sweaty palms and you'll know real struggle. For those suffering this condition, it would be nice to have a medicine to this. Not just a temporary remedy but a permanent solution. I know this is not life threatening but try shaking hands with someone with sweaty hands and you'll wish there's a cure.

39 points | 50 comments

Gas leak detector


Having a gas tank in your kitchen is like having a grenade waiting to explode. A tiny gas leak ignited by a small spark can make your kitchen gone in a few seconds. Gas leak detectors are used to prevent these kinds of disasters. Although this device is already existing today, further improvements can still be done. Mobile phone alerts can be sent by the device when it detects gas leaks. The detector is also linked to the exhaust fans to automatically turn on when there's a gas leak and remove the flammable gas from your home.

41 points | 52 comments

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