Vote online


Voting online would create a new level of convenience during elections, so why haven't we been taking advantage of it? If we were to poll the readers of this article, we would likely find that the vast majority of readers - if not all - regularly shop online, make banking transactions online, fill out registrations and applications online, pay taxes online and maybe even vote for contestants in reality shows online. Yet Americans cannot vote for candidates for public office online.

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There will never be true democracy as long as world is run by money?

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@rallenku Essentially all those risks apply equally to online voting transactions.

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@rallenku having a ?secure? connection to the remote election server will?make no difference. there is no effective way to prevent such an attack, and no effective recovery

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@ccarpenterkw Voting security, privacy, and transparency requirements are structurally different from those for E-Commerce transactions

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@dhendersonkx The risk in moving to online voting: giving up privacy?and the voter fraud, that many candidates and elected officials have talked about during this cycle.

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@ccarpenterkw The technical security, privacy, and transparency requirements for voting are structurally different from, and actually much more stringent than, those for ecommerce transactions.

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Online voting makes it hard to forestall vote-selling, because people could much more easily prove for whom they've voted

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?a simple registration with social security or another unique number would make online voting possible

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?These ultimately are the reasons we cannot provide satisfactory security for online?voting even though we can for online commerce.

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@kgonzalesl2 The second point of the argument is that the security, secrecy, and transparency requirements?for online voting transactions are structurally very different from, and generally much stricter than,?those for E-Commerce transactions.

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such a system could be difficult to implement in Canada, however, because of citizen?s privacy concern

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@apalmerl4 There is no true democracy?

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@apalmerl4 Right but there are better options - Liquid democracy.. Google it!?

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@hfoxl5 I think it?s important that we don?t just step on the sideline and wait for things to happen

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@hfoxl5 Voting online would certainly be a lot more convenient than standing in line on Election Day

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@tmcdonaldl7 Automatic voter registration is the gold standard of modernized registration,

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Voting online isn't a new idea

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@rclarkla Definitely.

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@rclarkla Some also argue that online voting would boost turnout and grant political power to groups that traditionally don't vote as often as others.

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@rrusselllb Both the media and the public have a warped view about voting convenience

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We see long lines as an expression of patriotism. ... . What we almost never see are all the voters who walk away from those lines and don't vote

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Banks have money, but spend a lot of time to protect infrastructure

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voting is different because we're talking about power, and power is difficult to quantify

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Voted ballots sent via Internet simply cannot be made secure, and make easy and inviting targets for attackers ranging from lone hackers to foreign governments seeking to undermine U.S. elections,

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