Cure sweaty hands


Having sweaty hands makes life a little bit more difficult. It's like you can't have nice things. Every stuff you own is hard to keep in good condition. Try texting in your smartphone with sweaty palms and you'll know real struggle. For those suffering this condition, it would be nice to have a medicine to this. Not just a temporary remedy but a permanent solution. I know this is not life threatening but try shaking hands with someone with sweaty hands and you'll wish there's a cure.

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I've heard of this treatment called sympathectomy. It's a surgical procedure that removes nerves inside the chest which permanently disrupts the nerve signals that control sweating in the hands. However, possible side effect is to have overproduction of sweat in other areas of the body. So the question becomes, would you like your sweaty hands cured but there's chance of having overly sweaty balls?

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I put mine in boiling water?

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@very one are having the problem of having a sweaty hands...

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@ was suffering hyperhidrosis for several years, until the day @ found the all natural alternative treatment that actually eliminate all of my discomforts within 48 hours.

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@his comment section is cancer

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@ put my hand in a furnace?

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Tip: put music backing your videos it makes the viewer more prone to reading. Studies show that people take in more information with a pleasant sound playing in the background XD?

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@ere's several ideas you can try take a bath often choose loose clothing. drink plenty of water and tomato juice

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@alms sweaty. Heart racing. You know the feeling.?

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Look into iontophoresis. This procedure involves using water to send an electrical current under the skin, which temporarily prevents sweating from occurring

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I'm a 20 year old male with extremely sweaty palms, feet and forehead/ brow. I've been like this since around the age of 10

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@Sweating is the body's way to maintain the body temperature, but as they say, an excess of everything is bad. It is a source of irritation and embarrassment for the person and also lays a profound impact on their social life.?

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@y condition, what ever it may be, has made many situations uncomfortable such as dances or social meetings. Even holding hands or especially interviews where my stress levels are escalated

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@y mother and I both have very sweaty feet leading to reduced shelf life on our enclosed leather shoes. I hope to buy a machine that could cure our sweaty glands as a gift.?

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@'ve had a treatment done and had the glycopyralate done as well but it's not worked for me. They won't give me Botox as its too painful so I might have to have surgery.

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@nfortunately you fall in the 15% of cases that don't work with Glyco.

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I have it, but i'm pretty sure it's not hyperhidrosis, becouse i don't sweat when i'm out getting fresh wind, but when i'm inside just relaxing in the heat i begin sweating in my palms..

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@ea contains astringent and antiperspirant properties which dry excess oil from the body. Soak 4-5 black tea bags in hot water

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@t is used for providing a soothing and cooling effect to the body, especially in summers. @t can be applied to hands and feet for 15 minutes and washed off later.?

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@his vegetable is of great help in reducing the excessive sweat. Take some potato slices and rub them on your hands and fee

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@Ayurveda also claims it to be an effective remedy for reducing the perspiration

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@'ve noticed, since I go to the gym, that I sweat less.

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I think the problem will go over, when we get older and more secure in ourselves:)?

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@y doctor told me to have a blood test

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@ a dermatologist@@

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@ave you guys had any fixes yet? I'm 15 in 2 months and this has occurred for me since the age of 9 (I think it was triggered by puberty

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@ have hands and feet sweaty problem and it is badly uncontrollable because it ruins all paperwork even my exams. @ tried so many cure but doesn't work. so embarrassing to shake hands and lose confidence when talk face to face with any one....?

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@xact same as me, 14 year old guy, out in the fresh air I'm fine but when inside and it's hot they will sweat?? Did a trial period of iontopheresis at the hospital and it kinda worked I just need to buy a machine and do it daily.?

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my hands is sooooo sweaty i cant play my games wtf!!!?

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@ody spray

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@hank you i didnt actually think this would work but it does @hank you so much for helping me

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@oes it work with any kind or does it need to be that one?

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@he only way to stop sweaty hands is to keep yourself cool/cold, don't get nervous, stay calm.?

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