End world hunger


Cloning of crops and livestock to increase food production. End world hunger by rapidly multiplying our food stock. We grow our food faster than we can consume.

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?use food as a weapon of war

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@mpetersdw Food is one issue that cannot be solved person by person

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@mpetersdw In America we feed our livestock enough food, to feed all of the starving people in the world.?

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@gjacobsdy bit extreme but I agree?

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@asmithdx We don't need technology, we need to stop eating animals and animal byproducts.

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@gjacobsdy All this talk. Let us track the results.?

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It's called profit motive.

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@nchaveze7 that's what drives greed

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My society is something i build or am apart of actively. Personally just because i live in a geographical area doesn't mean to me i am apart of that society.

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great post

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Why would I want to fund well being of people who in other circumstances would be my competition?

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hunger is still present when the monetary system is removed.

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we really need to start over somewhere else..but look at Africa, the best thing that happened to it was aids. Unfortunately it's too slow.?

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I think feeding everyone would be a bad idea ..

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You need to solve the root of hunger related issues

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@athompsonef Socialism is a beautiful idea until you try it. ?

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@athompsonef Then again i have created wealth and benefited my society.?

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@rwarreneh I am from the third world country, where hunger exist, wondering why see did not mention the use of Internet like hungersite(dot)com to donate a cup of food everyday just by clicking

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@athompsonef Hunger is a matter of politics simply that, and we should be thankfull to it for everything we own.?

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Yaa!!! We are going to breed endlessly!!!

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@lcunninghamek You have succeeded in ignoring the rest of my statement.?

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@lcunninghamek Sounds cruel but this is natural selection . Hitler would be proud. ?

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@emitchellem We need to focus on giving these people the tools and technology to allow them to increase their own well being.

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@lcunninghamek What a suprisingly stupid view, i'd bet that most kids in this world are unplanned.

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