Luggage tag with built in tracker


Due to the fast paced world we live in and the notoriously poor memory and poor services in the airport , we're left without assurance that our luggage will arrive with us when we land. Additionally, it can take a long time to find out where it is once you're at your destination. That's the exclusive advantage of technology and the birth of a luggage tracking device, because we can be in charge of the entire process and we'll always know in real-time, exactly where your luggage is. These are just some of the advantages in terms of performance and comfort that they can offer, but the best thing is, we are reminded that ... there is hope that we will never lose our luggage again.

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I am the happiest man after receiving my records back. It was some anxious 2 weeks. Never again.

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@jellis3l After going through the pain of having my record bag stolen last year, I didn't want you to have to go through anything even similar.?

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@jellis3l I'm happy you got it back

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I recently got a new gadget that you put in with your luggage and it tracks it's location. It doesn't use GPS, but rather cell towers. It allows you to get text message or email notifications when your luggage arrives at the final location, and has a couple other cool features as well.

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A way to finally find my lost luggage?

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@tpalmer3p It's not super accurate because it uses cell towers instead of GPS, but it will at least allow you to know for sure which airport it's at so whoever can find it.?

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For the Glory of Satan of course.?

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That is cool, but how functional is it outside the country?

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@dlarson3s Bumping for answers.?

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@dlarson3s As useful as imperial units.?

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@mday3u It should work. You can also triangulate position in Europe, and other parts of the world.?

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@agomez3v Yes, but he said it uses cell towers.

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@agomez3v I suppose that would mean having some sort of deal with the companies that manage those.

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where is the amazon link????????????????

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thank you! Always bringing value news to us!

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@charris3z That pulse as it gets closer would be nice if you check the bag and you're waiting for it on the moving belt.?

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hide it in someone's bag n voila you got to track someone

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I think this product isn't good enough, yet. it should have GPS as well. also, everyone would like it to have rechargeable batteries and be less expensive?

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@rweaver42 You need a line of sight for GPS?

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@rweaver42 Let me just say that differently. For GPS to work you need a clear view of the sky. Inside a luggage, there is no clear view of a sky. :/?

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@chenderson44 Alright, I agree. It shouldn't have GPS. But it should have a better app, more advanced battery, speakers for alarm, and be smaller.?

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@fhernandez45 Now that would be good. :)?

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There's a difference between the G.P.S. and a Cell Tower??

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@bgreene47 Umm... Of course! One is a bunch of satellites, and one is a bunch of buildings on Earth.?

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