Gas leak detector


Having a gas tank in your kitchen is like having a grenade waiting to explode. A tiny gas leak ignited by a small spark can make your kitchen gone in a few seconds. Gas leak detectors are used to prevent these kinds of disasters. Although this device is already existing today, further improvements can still be done. Mobile phone alerts can be sent by the device when it detects gas leaks. The detector is also linked to the exhaust fans to automatically turn on when there's a gas leak and remove the flammable gas from your home.

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The detector should also be smart enough to identify which type of gas is in the air. If it's harmful then it sucks it out. This device can be so advanced, it can even detect farts and foul body odor. Leave your trash inside your house and you wouldn't even notice it's there because you can't smell it. The air cleanup system is so effective people can hide a dead body in your house and you wouldn't even know.

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oh well do not fart near this

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can this device find the leak 1.5 meter underground below the asphalt surface??

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@jpeters6x Sorry but who buys a product then states they don't know what they have bought??? - ohh come on!!?

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@agarza6y You can buy rechargeable 9V batteries.?

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@jpeters6x I hate bad manuals !?

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Very useful and easy to use?product, bought a rechargeable battery. The probable reason for the large packaging is to help reduce theft which is?extremly common here in the United States

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Product is highly durable and very easy to use

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The leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in North America, carbon monoxide (CO) is often referred to as the silent killer because it's odorless, tasteless, and invisible.?

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I smell natural gas in my house, and am wondering if that is the same as explosive gas? Will it detect natural gas?

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@jstephens74 Just turning on the gas without the flame is dangerous. I used my propane backpack stove, turning on the gas but no flame, and it set the alarm off in a few seconds. the display read: GAS

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@jstephens74 Yes if you have the one in the description. It is the second one I have owned and recommended by my local fire department personnel.?

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Does it show levels of natural gas or just warns you of it? i know the co shows levels. also, will it detect sewer gas?

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@pfox77 Levels

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@pfox77 Didn't see anywhere that it would show levels of natural gas. Don't know about methane (sewer gas). Probably best to go to their website for more detailed information.?

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@jsims78 I operate it in the house. I've a wet kitchen to do my cooking and sewage is outdoor so i can't access the impact.?

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@pfox77 I've been using these for well over a decade. I find they last roughly a half dozen years before they fail. They burn through 9 volt batteries quickly once the power goes out, so if you have a blackout of more than a few hours, the unit will need

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There are lots of comments about these units giving false alarms. I've never had one false alarm. Ever. But I have had lots of alarms.?

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?Pretty much if you can smell the hydrocarbon, so can the unit.

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