@scarr8g It might work, depending on how strong your sun is
@scarr8g Hammocks are terrible for use in cold weather climates.?
I'm thinking that that would just be a safety precaution in case you poke too hard, but it hasn't hurt my eyes any, so it can also be an easier way since it doesn't look to your eyes like a finger is coming straight towards it
@jmurphy8f yes have you seen those grad dads with great abs? AMAZING
@sbailey8e I sold my house there
? @scarr8g Well, mobile technology is advancing anyways.
@wgreenedt Which one of these apps best accounts for eating leftovers?
@jmurphy8f Humanity you failed us all once again?
@chenderson44 For a powered off road wheelchair has anybody tried this Taylor guy's tech ? Patent 3145797? .?
?rainfall can be triggered to "empty" the atmosphere and increase the potential of dry weather later on
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