Contact lense eyeplacer


Putting contact lenses on for the first time can be the worst kind of self-mutilation you could ever experience. You would recite a litany of curses everytime you fail to put these lenses on. And once you've placed these eye floaters on, you're eyes become as red as someone who is high on drugs. To avoid this struggle, I'm hoping there's a device that will be invented to help you wear contact lenses. If there's a quick and painless way to put contact lenses on then many people might choose to use them instead of glasses.

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It personally takes me around 30 minutes to put one contact lense on. My eyes can't seem to adjust in having a foreign object attached to it. After I've placed my contact lenses my eyes are just drowning in tears. This is why I only wear contact lenses on special occasions. I imagine this device would not be very complicated to create. Which is why I'm thinking why hasn't anyone invented this yet.

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?I simply hold my eye open with one hand and apply one tip of the tweezer at the edge of the contact and the other tip nearer the center and squeeze.

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The other tool works kind of like a golf ball on a tee. I use it to get my contact out of the case without touching it.?

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@it has felt tipped tweezers for removal - it's for soft contact lense removal only

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@ou are supposed to put it straight on @our pupil?

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@eally? my friend uses contacts and told me not to if i ever use the

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@'m thinking that that would just be a safety precaution in case you poke too hard, but it hasn't hurt my eyes any, so it can also be an easier way since it doesn't look to your eyes like a finger is coming straight towards it

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@kr I always put them on my pupil why do people look up?

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the reason why it sticks to your finger is cuz your finger is wet! You need to put the lens on a dry finger but the lens itself its moist with a drop or two of solution?

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@ do it with dry fingers and still have an issue. @'m new to contacts like two days in.?

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@ou CAN'T put contacts with makeup on your face! Especially if u don't know how to put it omg (sorry bad English)?

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@ts ok we still understand what you said

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if you think this post is amazing like this!

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@top getting likes you idiot

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I saw on youtube this tweezers like remover of contatcts. Scary!

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@he tips on these tweezers are not soft enough, in my opinion, to pinch without hurting ones eyes. I tried them twice and I went back to something else.?

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@ have never really had much of an issue getting contacts in and out until now

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@ell searching on these items can help me

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@ saw this. A plunger looking like tool for the eyes

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@ have never really had much of an issue getting contacts in and out until now

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I first purchased a contact lense removerback in 2012 when I started wearing contact lens more regularly. I love the convenience of it.

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@ always wash my hands with soap before handling contacts but @ still end up getting tiny bits of lint from either regular hand towel or paper towels on my hands. @ use the soft-tip tweezer to pick up the lenses

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@t is a constant battle of removing my contact lenses everyday

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@I was also always worried about my fingernails scratching my eyes. The soft tip on the tweezers allows me to easily grasp the contact lense

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i've been using soft lenses for about 3 years now and one of the most annoying things is having to struggle with balancing them on my finger and usually having them drop causing me to wash and repeat all over again

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I need this... I have long nails.. And I never put in my contacts because difficult to take out..?

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but how much will this be?

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