Storm breaker

Hurricane-calming technology? There is a new technology that increases the warning time for tornadoes and hurricanes could potentially save hundreds of lives every year. Because of its science-fiction-like possibilities (controlling the weather is a superpower, after all), weather modification can lead to aspirational inventions and promises of clear skies. In the future let us hope for scientists that can create a machine that disperses storms and calms the weather.

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Stronger or more frequent weather extremes will likely occur under climate change, such as more intense downpours and stronger hurricane winds.

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@wdavis8b Swiss physicist Jean-Pierre Wolf is working on yet another impressive addition to that list: using focused laser beams to affect the weather.

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@wdavis8b It sounds like black magic

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@jpierce8d it's actually a cleaner version of cloud seeding

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@jpierce8d ?it's hard to tell how effective cloud seeding actually is

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@jmurphy8f Laser is therefore a completely clean alternative to traditional cloud seeding: it's light, and nothing but light.

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?rainfall can be triggered to "empty" the atmosphere and increase the potential of dry weather later on

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@e actually did it on a laboratory scale, @e can already create clouds, but not on a macroscopic scale

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@he technology is still in its infancy

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@ow sure are you there?

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Very Enlightening.

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The company that is doing it is weathermodification D.O.T calm. Find this company and I believe you've found the main source.?

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@lease prove this with contract number and whos running it.?

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@ontract number?

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@ guess what he meant was - contact

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@ommon sense, not so common.

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they make billions in stock market they no when that corn drought will take place,when you controll the weather you no what when and wear?

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@ES,,,,,? We are experiments ....???? It's Happening..... what are we/you doing about it??

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@rove your lies>?

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@his is destroying earth and will send us into a pole flip

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@eriously??? Pole flip!? That immediate

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Apple software? Epic Fail!

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@hey did not indicate any software

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@omputing in vehicles will be big as autonomy becomes more popular

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@here are plenty of renewable tech.?

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@You would think that other country would put their utilities underground like Europe by now derrrrp

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This world is run by psychopathic, soulless, psychos

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@njohnson91 Yes, again they are controling people through fear. Keep your mind calm except when you assess a real emergency. Keep your body clean, and help others in these, too.

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@e the change you want to see. - Ghandi?

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@ennedy warned the world of the power of the military industrial complex and since, all they have done is grow in power, create wars or fuel them

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@ ) the truths....?

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Thank you so much all this information and we people can chance this World for? better place i agree and we need to do so.?

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@hat are we/you doing about it??

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@ow much Energy & Money needed to Flood Pakistan and make Earth quakes in Pakistan??

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@l Gore is a fake!

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@cientific evidence of how it works.?

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@ow does this technology works in layman terms and what we can do to counter, mitigate, or stop it? ?If so, share that with us because we already know they are tampering with the weather. ?We just want to know @ow to stop them.?

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Makes me think of a 200 gallon salt water tank I had.

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