All-terrain electric wheelchair


Enables the physically challenged full access to the great outdoors. Built with a 4 wheel drive that can climb up steep slopes and pass through mud, snow, ice, grass and sand. Uses advanced technology to allow the chair to balance itself and even transform depending on the terrain. Can go up and down the stairs and adjust its height to give the user a better reach. Even has autopilot mode which uses GPS to set the course and also has collision avoidance system for additional safety.

28 points | 65 comments


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Even if I am not a paraplegic, I would still like to use this wheelchair. If something as advanced like this gets created I would substitute my bike for this. It's like having a bike and a mini-car combined. Because of its autopilot system I can just sit in this chair and let it take me wherever I want. I also don't have to worry about parking because the wheelchair takes less space. I imagine sitting on one of these chairs is gonna be a fun ride.

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It would be nice to see actual people with disabilities and not actors who can use their legs to demonstrate this chair.?

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@dwashington2n yes that?s a nice thought

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Clearly a product not made by people who use it.

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@iortiz2q Simply awesome.

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@iortiz2q Appears novel, but it's a useless product for a person who has no function of their legs.?

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@iortiz2q Does it jerk heavily?

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@cwhite2v I wouldn't buy this until I'm alone in my old life.

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@iortiz2q Kudos fellas!?

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The one huge factor that makes it so I would not buy it is that it's made in china, I buy American made.?

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@csims30 I want to buy this I live in lndia what is the cost your product..what is the process..?

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@csims30 I like the concept.?

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@rmorgan3b me too

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@csims30 Is this really available??? How much???

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@csims30 Does it come with a double your no money back guaranty??

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Nice technology but if you have the use of your arms, stick to using them it is better for your health - period.

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@emorgan39 Great for quads I imagine though.?

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@emorgan39 I think it is awesome, but it needs better battery life

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@swarren3r Like, plug-in hybrid gas-powered version should be developed soon!?

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@efoster3o whish i could have one of this blessed zx1?

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the difference in people in manual vs power chairs is weight, no exercise leads to weight gain, there is no way to lose it once it's there.?

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@jellis3l Good work on the concept.

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@mday3u I just bought one because I can still negotiate kerbs and drop offs.

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@ @jellis3l Beautiful~!!! I love the simple design so much.?

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everybody in the USA has plenty of money to buy the "high end" wheelchair.

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brain child of silicon valley

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I have a set of Servo wheels by AAT that work like this, the battery is separate, but the wheels are still 10 kg each.

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You got that right. Until your disabled you don't understand the needs of a disability person has.

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