@jscott8y got it from Walmart
?I was also always worried about my fingernails scratching my eyes. The soft tip on the tweezers allows me to easily grasp the contact lense
@rcarter90 Great story
@gdixon8w I'd probably opt for using one of my Zeiss Lens cleaning wipes unless it was really dirty/cruddy. I don't eat pizza over the computer so I'm not expecting to drop a lot on the keyboard ;)
and in Africa too
@egeorge8z Counterpoint: rings are literally an invention of the diamond industry to make themselves money and you shouldn?t get one.
it's obviously not for everyone but at least recognize that there are a bunch of people that love it and would never "go to ground" again!
This world is run by psychopathic, soulless, psychos
Why not walk over to the elders at the gym and volunteer to help them out?
?I remember making projects at school like this
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