Recipes ideas for sale


Whether you're a professional chef or a food enthusiast with talent for home cooking, you might be able to earn extra money selling recipe ideas. You can prepare a presentation package and make a small portfolio outlining your culinary background and the recipe idea you're pitching. Include your current food service resume or related credentials to prove your expertise. If you think about it, every food item you see in restaurants, bakeries, grocery and convenience stores started with a recipe. And more likely than not, the creator was paid for his efforts. It's time now to cash in.

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You don't have to include your desired selling price in your presentation.?

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@wdavis8b Compensation negotiations are typically scheduled in the proposal stages once you have received interest from buyers.

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@wdavis8b No magazine is going to pay me for my recipes

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@jpierce8d think again.?

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@sbailey8e Magazines pay for unique recipes all the time.?

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@jmurphy8f Where do you think they get all their ?special? recipes from?

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Some magazines have various contests throughout the year (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Halloween, etc) where you can submit your recipes for a chance to win awesome prizes.

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@swood8h that is if you like contests

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@swood8h I always lose

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Having your own recipes makes a food blog even better and more attractive

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@melliott8k if you want a more guaranteed and faster way of making money from your recipes, try publishing them on sites that pay you to write articles online.

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@melliott8k that is if your work gets published

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@melliott8k Some sites pay a one-time fee based on the quality and length of your recipes, others pay you based on the number of views your recipes generate.

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@amorales8n This is much better than putting recipes on a new blog which most possibly will land on the 10th page of Google results.

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@amorales8n if your recipe is delicious, then expect other food magazines and blogs to link to your recipe on their sites

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you have to be realistic about just how much you can make, especially in the beginning.

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@lrice8q It might take plenty of recipes to start making good cash. But what?s good about it is that these earnings continue to accumulate over time.

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@lrice8q the best part is that once you publish the piece, that?s it.?

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@lrice8q You?ll start to earn passive income for as long as the content stays up.

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@chart8t I want to make money even when I am sleeping!

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create your own eCommerce site and selling your recipes there is your best bet.

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@clawrence8v no, I want to enter contests!

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There are tons of people who are making money selling all kinds of recipes and food related books on Kindle.

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@ljackson8x really noW?

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@jscott8y ?find a proofreader to make sure everything looks good, upload it to Kindle, wait 12 hours for it be approved, and once it?s live, get the word out.

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I owned a candy store. I closed the store down a few years ago and kept the recipes, at the time i thought when my children were older they might want to get into the confection business, I never thought much about selling the recipes until recently when I was contacted by a couple who was familiar with my business

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@rcarter90 Great story

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@rcarter90 Wow, what a story.

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There is big online money to be made when it comes to food.?

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@twarren93 Just look at Pinterest.?

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@twarren93 if something is popular online, someone has found a way to make money from it.

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@arogers94 ?There is a huge market for recipe-related blog posts

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@arogers94 One important aspect to explore in detail when it comes to recipes is copyright law. There is a lot of leeway with this industry but there are also boundaries and best practices. Share others? recipes as you would like yours shared.

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Thanks for the tips!

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My mother has been approached by several local restaurants interested in buying one of her recipes. How much does a recipe typically sell for?

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@jkelley99 It would depend a lot on the recipe and how much business the recipe is likely to attract for the restaurant.?

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@jkelley99 Also, it would be important that the recipe be kept secret and that you agree to keep it secret from competitors.?

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@lspencer9b ?It will also depend upon if she sells it to one restaurants or to multiple restaurants.

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@jkelley99 There is no standard price.

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@jkelley99 ?It's up to the two parties to negotiate a deal. The price for the exclusive rights to a recipe would be higher than for non-exclusive rights.

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