@rwoodsah those 8 250w panels connected all in series? or series to parallel? many thanks?
@wturnerag and you don?t even know it
That's why the air-conditioning can make you thirsty because the humidity in the car with the AC on is really dry.?
@rwoodsah whuuuuuttt???!
@wturnerag Hey cool shit. I've never even considered those as anything but a joke.
@wturnerag cant you try them in any weather Lolz
@cgilbertad especially if you have their modem and you're not paying the monthly fee???? SOMEone PLEASE explain that to me!?
@rwoodsah Well since everyone else here is in la la land, I guess I have to be the one to ask...where is it getting power from, solar??
I have my e-mail automatically forwarded to my cell phone text messages, just in case the regular route through the mail app is on the fritz. Lets me know when I do need to check for something.
Always amazed at the towering piles of stupid that can be found on the Internet if one is bored enough to look.
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