@nramos9g id rather have sun than winter
@aparker9h I can't believe the amount of gear I used to haul around, the air mattress, the battery operated air pump and all the other stuff that goes with the air mattress set up. I actually like sleeping on the hammock a lot more!?
Every time you think you have done everything you can with lasers, something new comes up: it's quite amazing
Where we can find it??
@aparker9h The recipe goes back for generations ... it was my great-grandmother's,
@aparker9h but people do
@nramos9g I'll write proper tech scripting for you if you want to hire some experience cause
@lhanson9f I heard there is a sound mode for blasting germs away. @lhanson9f
@dhill98 Many wheelchair users need the independence to be able to grocery-shop and be able to carry the groceries home.?
@hmiller9i how lazy do you have to be? just unlock the door, turn on the light and make your damn popcorn yourself like every other human being.?
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