@ntorres4r One interesting new monitor is LG 34UM9
@ntorres4r ?It is the best thing I have ever done with my career and the boss/mentor that I worked under is one of my inspirations for many of the good working habits I use today.
Yeah I?m an elec eng who does a lot of DIY stuff.?
Me too. Turns out I'm most productive when I'm comfortable and not thinking about how my back hurts or my feet are swelling because my office chair is cutting into my knees.
@bfox4s America has some of the fattest people in the world. How is it unrelated..we're talking about fitness. I live here... in New Jersey... lol. People are fat here?
@ntorres4r no money in cure , only treatment . nothing will become of this I bet .?
@arivera4q Of course, 99 percent of the audience wasn't troubled by this charade at all...so there you go.
@bfox4s let's not get too deep here.
@bfox4s Empathy is your strongest weapon.
@bfox4s Every traveler should try to learn 5-10 key phrases for the country they?re going to, then the translate apps are great when trying to communicate more complex descriptions about your experience
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