Air purifier gas masks


For city-dwellers sometimes walking down the street means breathing in the dark cloud of smoke from pollution. It feels like having an exhaust pipe blowing directly into your face. You cough, suffocate, burn your eyes and look like you just came out of a coal mine. What if there's a face mask that could filter the air. Not just a simple cloth air filter but something far more advanced. It processes the air, removes the pollutants and purifies the air to make it seem like your breathing fresh air all the time.

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There are many benefits that comes with breathing in fresh air. It relaxes you and improves your overall health. But what I really like about this device is that it can protect you from foul smells. Don't you just hate it when someone farts in the room? It's like having small particles of crap delivered into your nose. Luckily with this device, these can be just filtered out. A device that can block farts. Hence I call this, the "Fart blocker".

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@Alexander I sure would use the fart blocker everytime I go to the toilet. Sometimes I suffocate myself with my own fart when I poop.

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Inexpensive face masks, like the disposable paper-filter masks available in hardware stores, are effective only against airborne particles.?

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@sstevens46 I spend most of my time thinking about one of two frightening things: how I could have had more fun in college, and what will happen when there?s a nuclear attack against the United States.?

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@sstevens46 Ugh, that is mine nightmare kind of scenario; no hope, but you are around just... keeping on until the inevitable end.?

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@agomez48 Well, what do the anti smoking brigade have to say about this??

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@agomez48 Now many are in the West qualifying universities using fake and forged credentials enabling them to stay.

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@jharris4a No, this is a lot worse.

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So, you have no clue what libertarian is then?

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Actually they have gas masks in the rooms in every hotel in China. And may seem to be worth a headline, it's only purpose is to prevent you from choking in case of a fire.?

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@cclark4e All you see is the tyre and exhaust smoke while it vanishes in the distance. That's your economy v China. Your time is over.

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@cclark4e I have been in multiple Chinese hotel rooms in many cities as well. They have all had smoke masks and flashlights, required by Chinese law - check your closet carefully.

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@rrose4g From the research I did before seemed manageable cause I?ll be away from the most polluted cities most of the time, but after seeing your article and thinkin bout it more, even if it?s just for a couple weeks, I think I?ll be grabbing a mask fo s

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Many young children now actually wear gas masks when they are outside.

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@njohnson4i It?s critical to use a good mask ? surgical masks are pointless ? and Respro fits well and is effective, esp for a cyclist like myself.?

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@njohnson4i I think this wont fit in my childs face

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Stay safe and breathe well?

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Respro has masks designed for all kinds of activities like cycling.?

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@ewest4m wtf is respro?

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@ewest4m I also started to use the mask three years ago. Of course I am worried about the pollution

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@chunt4n For the first time last year I wore a respro mask always when the pollution was above 200

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@chunt4n My best advice would be to go to the Respro website and read about the different types of masks.

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@arivera4q my wife and I are planning on leaving Handan as soon as we can.

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I love it when people try to be reassuring.?

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@bfox4s let's not get too deep here.

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@bfox4s I?ve watched a lot of post-apocalyptic shit and that scenario?still?seems like the worst possible outcome.?

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Can you recommend a specific gas mask?

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@amurphy4v Depends on what you want it for .?

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@ @amurphy4v the newer mask are not 100 % rubber and you should clean it after each use I used the same mask for years only had to replace a couple cracked things on it from abuse on the job.?

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@randrews4x Would a hood with full face be more practical for civilians? I suddenly feel really stupid.

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I would add that proper fit is crucial. In fact, you should be properly fit-tested annually in any respirator.

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