One-hit music concerts


While it is possible that a one-hit wonder truly only has one song to its name, it isn't very likely. They play a set of their music (original or licensed) to fill the time they're given. A band on its first album may only get 45 minute sets on a double (or more) bill. It was like going to an oldies concert. It was actually fun. There are plenty of bands that will have a single hit, but go on to record numerous other records, or the opposite, a band that has been underground for some time and finally gets a breakthrough.

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It could even be a music festival.

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@jwilliamson1m O-needer stock?

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@jwilliamson1m So you are saying, 30 minutes of songs and 2 hours of mic checks?

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@jfernandez1u Nobody wants to see Rick Ashtley duking it vs the Hanson Brothers because they tried to overstay their 10min fixing their hair and what not?

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@jfernandez1u So definitely wouldn't be at a one hit wonder concert.

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@kcole1x one hit wonders can be a great listen

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@gmason23 People basically only go there to hear their one song, right? Like what does Dishwalla do when it holds a concert

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@gmason23 They open for bands that are just starting to make it big, but aren't quite there yet.

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@ereynolds1z Not always, sometimes an act blows up so big so fast there's some strange things happening.

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@ereynolds1z 'They sing their hit song, then they go home. Didn't you ever watch?The Partridge Family?

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@amoore2x ?I wasn't a fan, but the guy I went with was. The set was basically, a bunch of stuff that the fans knew and loved but nobody else had ever heard of...

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Most bands that play live shows do not have 30-60 minutes worth of radio hits.

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The most obvious example of this is the Grateful Dead.

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@fhernandez45 Nowadays it's rare for an artist to record ONLY one song and have it put out as a single as in the old days

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@fhernandez45 As I'm sure you know, the Dead had legions of fans who know every note of every song they ever recorded, and many others that they didn't.?

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@arivera4q Of course, 99 percent of the audience wasn't troubled by this charade at there you go.

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@arivera4q Interesting. I hadn't heard this before.

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?I think a lot of people would be surprised at how many songs they know by artists that have been around for that long

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"@gcox5r" The lone hit is what gets you to listen to other tracks, and liking?those?(a lot) is what gets you to a concert.

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Hanson has also been the number one selling independent band for decades.?

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Rammstein is by no means a one hit wonder. At least not in Europe.

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@rcox6g I know, right? They have more surviving songs from that era than most bands.

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@rcox6g One real mainstream super hit, but hardly a one hit wonder

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@adean26 That'd be a deep ass stage, and still takes time.

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@adean26 An interesting example is the semi-fictional band Steam that was hastily put together after Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye topped the charts.

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@eburns2b They do the same thing as the 99+% of gigging bands that have zero hits - play a selection of their material.

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