@randrews4x Thanks!?
@rcook4u You can get around this by using an HDTV as a monitor, but unless it was as far away as the designers intended, it's going to appear low-resolution over a large area, very pixel-y, and unclear.
@mharrison4w ?I Where I live there is no recycling center or bin to speak of. It's a town of 3,000 people. I just try not to buy plastic wear. We're getting better at it, but it takes restraint some days!
@randrews4x ?I both agree and disagree, having made the jump from a very high-level exec asst. to management.
I just stared ordering parts to build my own reprap 3d printer a couple days ago.
?this would be fantastic for people like us
Some tips for anyone trying this: If you don't have a press i'd put a couple washers on the corners of the screen to lift it off the shirt an 1/8 inch or so; the screen is flexible enough to hit the shirt and it won't stick and pull ink back off the print (only do one pass as the shirt will likely move and lining up again is impossible).
@randrews4x I bet they eat these big Mac but try to insult someone better than them?
@mharrison4w See you over 10 years *jumps back in time machine poof ?
@mharrison4w there are actually conspiracy theorists that think that cancer is actually a natural and healthy process of your body
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