@dgriffin1a I agree with your general assessment and have often thought the same thing. However, employers will always hire the best candidate for the job no matter who pays the fee, and employment/staffing agencies will always want to send the best candi
@pjenkins1b That gets the job done.
@lcollins19 the amount of effort a spray paint takes pisses me off XD?
@pjenkins1b former employers may be happy to hire on retired workers as consultants for individual projects
@pjenkins1b yes like us the people
@lcollins19 Contigo Autoseal West Loop Stainless Travel Mug?works for me
@dgriffin1a That's lazyness I would just go to the store and be around people so I am not confided so much that I develope psychosis
@kpeters17 Good solution to traffic lights but doesn't get rid of that chicken snake phantom traffic that lasts forever?
@pdiaz14 I feel like this could help my family manage to take care of our grandma even better!
I did some research on this car. It turns out it has ?only a 300 watt fuel cell. This is less than one half horsepower. I car can not go 50 miles an hour on only half a horse power motor.
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