Job agencies that get you hired


Looking for a new job in a struggling economy is hard work. Make it easier by getting to know the best tools for the task at hand. There are several companies that helps you get hired to a job you want. Not only have staffing companies evolved into a highly professionalized industry, they offer a career entry point no one should pass up. If you find yourself unemployed, consider a staffing company as you would your university placement center - you really can't afford to pass on a resource that just might land you the job you want or at least a clearly marked path to it.

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Oh hell to the no. The most reliable way still is to go out and network.?

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@abutler0 I was laid off after a 10 year tenure at my last company, and after carefully crafting and sending a few hundred resumes into the black hole, I got off my ass and went out in the real world, and it made an enormous difference.?

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@abutler0 You?ll meet way better people at a bar than a networking group.?

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@arobertson2 Can you tell more about local networking groups? I?m currently employed but looking for something better.

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@arobertson2 A quick Google search turns up some chamber of commerce events

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@cjohnson3 you should look for something locally

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Ugh. I really like to avoid all social media.

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@acruz9 I feel like it?s a problem waiting to happen.?

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@rlawsona Maybe we are the odd ones.

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@rlawsona You are not. I know a lot of people with newborns who won?t post pictures of their kids.

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@jwilliamsonb Most of my friends with kids don?t necessarily ban pictures of their kids from FB, but they are very selective about which ones go up there and ask friends and family to ask before posting

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@jwilliamsonb ?I think it?s becoming more common as people really do start to understand their kid will have to live with these pictures being out there when they?re 30, so choose wisely.

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What you need to do is find out how to get around the recruitment black hole and speak to a hiring manager?

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Facebook is a cesspool. Using that as a method of finding jobs? I?ll pass.

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@jwebbg That?s actually a pretty bad idea.

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@jwebbg Facebook, now second only to LinkedIn, for people who want to tell themselves (and gullible parents) that they are doing a job search without putting any actual effort into it.

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What do you recommend?

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@wmurrayj Actually networking. In person meetings with friends, family, classmates, teachers, mentors, etc to discuss your career goals.

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@wmurrayj While this is good advice on an individual basis, I?m with the rest of the commentors and worry about wider consequences of this shift

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@wmurrayj I don?t care for Facebook because I wasn?t getting anything out of it. I was getting more and more targeted ads with less actual communication

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@akelleym I don?t see Facebook ever getting me a job in my chosen field, but I do see Facebook helping me to be passed over as a candidate?

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in placing you in a job, coaching you and essentially acting like your agent, employment agencies have offered you a very valuable service.?

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@nholmeso Agency employees have to make a living too, so? you can?t expect them not to charge some sort of fee.

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@nholmeso The bottom line is that you are entitled to explore your options. If you want the employer to pay the fee, tell the recruiter. Agencies will often partake in negotiations to make all parties involved happy.

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@hwallaceq I?m surprised that you were charged a fee as a job candidate. The majority of employment agencies today don?t charge fees.

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@hwallaceq None of the major firms do.?

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@ghickss I guess small firms work differently

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Don?t expect a recruiter to look at your resume and immediately understand where you would fit into their organization or to suggest which career path you should choose

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@dlopezw It is your job to know what you want to do and to tell the recruiter where you fit into an organization ? which jobs you want and, hopefully, which part of the organization.

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@anelsonx Recruiters are seldom the decision-maker determining whether or not you get a job offer

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It?s in an employment agency?s best interest to coach you well for a potential job. Basically if you look bad, then they look bad.

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@jedwardsz While employment agencies may not be for everyone, they are a viable option for finding anything from temporary work to permanent employment.

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@jedwardsz I guess small firms work differently. These days some of the companies we work with in South Florida explicitly request from the get go that the candidate cover the cost.?

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@amendoza11 There are still many companies out there that will pay the fee though.

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@amendoza11 Whoever pays the fee is irrelevant. It usually comes as a % of the salary. Just like tax incidence, whoever collects the fee and remit it does not matter. It?s the elasticity that determines the share of the burden.?

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@daustin13 With today?s job market, the burden falls disproportionally on the job seeker.

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Want to also point out that it is not the responsibility of the agency or search firm to customize job-seekers resume. In no way is this a requirement.?

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@rcarroll18 If you find a recruiter who will, they?re probably a great recruiter, and you?ll want to continue to work with them.

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@rcarroll18 What firm do you work for, and where is it located?

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@dgriffin1a While I?ve never actually encountered an employment agency that charged the job seeker a fee, I think that might actually be better. If I have to pay the employment agency (and only after I get the job), then that recruiter is working for ME

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@dgriffin1a I agree with your general assessment and have often thought the same thing. However, employers will always hire the best candidate for the job no matter who pays the fee, and employment/staffing agencies will always want to send the best candi

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@shall1c ?The access to jobs should be the only thing setting them apart and I just don?t see it.

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