Auto answer tv movie app

Do you want an application that can answer the incoming calls or any inquiries from your woman automatically? Sometimes,your hands are full and you couldn't empty one hand to answer the call. An app should be developed that can answer the questions of your girlfriend or wife when watching a movie or series. No need to pause or playback the movie to explain the answers to the girl. The app can also include different character background and plot summary or preview of missed episodes.You do not have any excuse now to miss your favorite show.

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I would trust Apple or Microsoft with my information much more than Google. In fact I trust Google not at all. If you look at their financials you will know why.

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@abutler0 In reality I trust no one.?

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@abutler0 the Future of Technology is in Your Hands.?

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@bhernandezc ?I have become severely disabled and technology is my lifeline to the rest of the world and gives me great joy too. one of the greatest inventions ever.

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@bhernandezc Currently I'm doing research on how having multiple artificial assistants influences our perception of technology usefulness and I think it has a significant influence!

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What I want is someone to create a lockbox where I can control my info. Ideally it is in my home and I can provide an encrypted key for discrete access

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@jwilliamsonb it will be cool to get this voice command with you on the telephone, tablet, so it could helps us and tell us: if a friend is near, I mean, few blocks from were we are, what we have to buy in the supermarket, so we dont forget it, if there i

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@jwilliamsonb My 9yo son is in the higher functioning side of the Autism spectrum and was just telling me about an assistant he will have when he gets older and lives on his own. Since executive functioning is a struggle, this will be of great help.?

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@aadamsp You would virtual identify every unused natural resource hidden there. Then virtually exploit,use and waste them.?

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@aadamsp the command structure isn't intuitive and then you have to know the unique name of each item you want to control. Commands need to be room specific too.

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i appreciate the techs approach to make our life easier

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@sjacksonh it can also give reminders as to take with meal or Do not take with Orange juice It would be very helpful for seniors or people taking a lot of medicines.

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@sjacksonh i wish if there was a technology to find missing things around the house as a start.think it would save lots of time and avoid lots of trouble causes in houses.

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@lreyes12 I have built many apps and websites.. the newest one is one that allows me to control my website from my phone remotely from the beach..

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@lreyes12 Cheers from a very dirty house

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What about the voice command cleaning the house (with the coordination of some cleaning robots) after I went to work and everything is clean when I am back

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Does this actually do anything? You know what does do things though?

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I thought that through the AI, you guys could not only be super high tech at home, but help people that are voiceless.

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deaf and mute people learn sign language, but the rest of the world don't if they don't really need. imagine if the Voice Technology could have virtual eyes at home (cameras) or on their personal mobile and it could work as a translator or interpreter for these people.

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@jcarr1w Ohh that'd be great!

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@jcarr1w you would also need a device that interfaces with your home's circuit breaker box. A device like Automatic, but for your house and not your car.?

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@ppeters24 It's amazing to get things controlled by and doing basic things for you by using the technology

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@wbryant29 how lazy are we

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u have definitely brought the world to ?nother w?rld.

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could A.I. potentially help to solve global problems??

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@gholmes2z I can't even

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?this can be a perfect help for disable people, for example to improve their interaction with others (like inside a company environment)

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@lmedina3c as?an economist I just imagine how much my work could change with AI like that

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