Water powered car


Car manufacturers have presented an idea that an automobile can be driven by a flow cell technology [meaning: it runs on water]. A water powered car that can achieve not only fantastic performance values but also zero emissions. The car's system is also extremely safe to operate and environmentally friendly. Most importantly, since there are almost no moving parts and it produces negligible waste heat. This car offers a wide range of applications as a sustainable, low cost and environmentally-friendly source of energy. A first of its kind.

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This technology has been fully developed and many other models built by the engineers at WITTS.?

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@vshawgp To fuel a hydrogen car from water, electricity is used to generate hydrogen by electrolysis. The resulting hydrogen is an energy carrier that can power a car by reacting with oxygen from the air to create water, either through burning in a combus

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@dharpergq Man this is great

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@dharpergq Yes. a few drops of THE RIGHT KIND of anti freeze will keep it good to 60 below zero.

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@mrobertsongs In the winter time, do you have to put something in the water to keep it from freezing? Thanks so much

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Couldn't you also in theory run a car from stripping the hydrogen atoms from water using electricity sense there are already engines created for the sole purpose of using hydrogen to run them

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@staylorgu There is a additive we put in the water that keeps it from freezing.

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@awestgv I know hydrogen is very reactive and can/ will explode when ignited?

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@staylorgu cool saves money?

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@rweavergx amazing ..yet the powers that be don't want this information known to the public.?

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@staylorgu I am working on this topic but this is not work good please tell me?

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Am not an engineer. How does this differ from what Ogle did so many years ago (and that some claim was behind his murder)??

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@swelchh0 It is related technology. Just more advanced. ?

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@npetersh1 All things are possible for him who believes! Jesus words.

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@swelchh0 amazing i dident ever think that cars could run of water but now i seen it for myself thats very cool

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think it is taken from Nature. Here is 2 processes involve. Evaporation and ionization. If some one want to know something more it`s in open research of ionization- use Google. You can read about Der mysteri?se Chevrolet des Hector-Pierre Vaes. It`s very easy

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@ablackh4 So, this has been done a while ago ...

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@jhansenh Yes. Any Combustion Engine can be converted. ?

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I live in Canada, and since I saw this system, I started to wonder about How can I stop the water of freezing??

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@bgonzalezh7 Why water? .. the water converts into water vapor with the combustion heat of the fossil fuel and the extra HHO, so it expands 250 times and push the piston down.. So it is prety well done..?

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@bgonzalezh7 you can use this system in freezing weather conditions. One part isopropyl alcohol to one part distilled water

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@jowensh9 So it appears this technology has one aspect covered to rely on much less resources, so then we all just need to address the other as well.

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There are many companies out there guaranteeing fuel efficiency using HHO Gas.

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@jcruzhb will we experence any problems with engine overheating after running the system at idle for long periods of time??

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@jcruzhb Why am I not driving this car now, It's 2017

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@26 jjohnstonhd Because it was a fraud.?

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@grussellhe individuals with half a brain install these on older vehicles... People who suggest this is impossible are in the stone age or work for big oil.?

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is that really your level of understanding of chemistry? Cars running "on hydrogen" run on molecular hydrogen. Once that is burned, you end up with water, from which you can't obtain any more energy without adding new components to the mix.

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@bdeanhg In my opinion if you want bigger car then that needs bigger engine more water.?

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@bdeanhg Is it possible to replace a normal car engine with this technology?

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I dont think this tech is true and proven one coz its represents a perpetual motion machine which extracts electrons spending energy and it uses the same electrons and converts it into higher grade energy wid out any losses

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@bmorrishj this is all nonsense it's depressing to see how people gobble it up and say look, the big oil companies have suppressed it like they killed Stan Myers, etc . ?Same thing with the weird Air car from France that doesn't work, that's a real laugh.

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@bmorrishj Just the energy that is lost from wind friction on the car is several horsepower. It's clear?Genepax ?was using another power-source as it is physically impossible to ?propel at such speeds with less than half a horse power. ?

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@medwardshk this was invented by a filipino but the philippines government didnot support the invention...so japan buy his invention and now this is it water fueled car invented in japan made in japan....?

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@pfordhm The Japanese did NOT invent the hydrogen powered car. Stan Meyers had one in 1978!?

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@afordhn kudos to the inventors

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man! i feel so disheartened by seeing all this... free energy, get off the grid solutions to be just a bunch of fraudulent claims.

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