Automated traffic management


Many road accidents happen at intersections. These locations are instant blind spots and many drivers even try to beat the red light when they feel there are no approaching vehicles. Traffic lights have now become just a guideline from some drivers instead of a strict rule to follow. But if there's a way for the traffic lights to control vehicles to ensure everybody follows the traffic rules. When the light is red, the traffic light stops the vehicle and when green it allows them to pass.

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Sometimes there are traffic enforcers stationed at the intersections that override the traffic lights. The timing of the switching of the lights is not always optimized with the actual flow of traffic. There are sides of the intersection that are less congested compared to the others. Which is why traffic enforcers allow more vehicles to flow on less congested roads. I think this system should also consider this scenario to properly manage the traffic.

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great idea

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@abutler0 we must implement this asap.

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@ahowell1 ?I have massive issues with people coming in and out of the city every time I build one. ?

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@ahowell1 Absolutely. Connecting a road negates all the benefit of this system.

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@ahowell1 ?I like this idea a lot

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@ahowell1 you could experiment with the so-called turbo roundabout

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So smart thx for the help?

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@jstewart8 Google has the most advanced self-driving system and it still is 1,000 times more likely to get into an accident than a person.

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@acruz9 So taking humans out of any equation equals instant success.

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@jstewart8 only problem I see is now the only traffic you will get coming into the city will be coming from the left side of the map on the Highway

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@jstewart8 Safe and efficient roads? Check

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@jstewart8 Zoning residentials is pretty much ok since?citizens only relatively rarely enter and exist

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Really interesting ideas here.

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@sjacksonh I think no matter what you do your flucked because people are stupid

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@sjacksonh Liability still will be a nasty problem.

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@wmurrayj Dont get me wrong its cool and all, but this isnt simcity, you have space to build out.?

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@awilliamsoni make drivers smarter

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@twagnerl that?s the solution bro

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You could never get rid of the lights at most intersections for one important reason.

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@rfranklinr Just build a bridge over the road or a tunnel under it.?

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@ghickss Smart cars will just stop for people. Everyone can just walk whenever they want?

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@ghickss Humans are stupid and will not exclusively use those bridges or tunnels.??

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@pburnst Ah yes the super smart car which will know when exactly a human will cross the street and brake ahead of time to not run into him.?

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@pburnst Those are robots.? Now imagine humans.?

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In addition to communicating with each other, autonomous vehicles would need sensors to detect other things on the road.

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@anelsonx well at least there is an idea up there to improve our way of life

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@anelsonx Please realize this is a conversation in the context of what can be improved over human drivers.

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@jedwardsz people on the other hand would just jump to incoming traffic to end their lives.?

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LOL... just an update... apparently people aren't smart enough to know that walking onto a freeway is a great way to die

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@amendoza11 You can always put walls between the road and the ground-level sidewalk so humans can't cross them

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@amendoza11 We're just talking about road safety here.??

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@daustin13 Or maybe don't have maniacs trying to go 110 on the highway weaving in and out of traffic?

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@amendoza11 All these high-tech solutions forget that the purpose of transport is to transport people, not cars.

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@amendoza11 yes, there are few smart people just look at the comments

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"Getting humans to change their behaviour" So there is no sollution then??

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@kpeters17 The only thing that can solve that is self driving cars.

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@kpeters17 Why not kill all humans so we don't have any traffic at all?

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@lcollins19 Better way to improve traffic flow: Stop speeding and driving like a self-centered aggressive dick.?

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@kpeters17 I'm a software developer, so to say I'm on board with self driving cars would be an understatement

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@kpeters17 Good solution to traffic lights but doesn't get rid of that chicken snake phantom traffic that lasts forever?

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People driving next to each other on the Interstate at 10 MPH below the speed limit.

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1 way to improve traffic flow for everyone: MOVE RIGHT if you notice a car close behind you trying to go faster

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@tcrawford4f I think there are better ways of dealing with traffic problems.

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@tcrawford4f I have gotten way with roundabout interchanges and traffic lights with only minor traffic.?

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