@ahowell1 they?ve put together what it says is a carefully developed list of attractive positions outside the home and for those seeking at-home jobs.?
@bhernandezc For starters, early retirement can only be possible when?these two things are met: (1) you have always practiced a practical, frugal lifestyle; and (2) you will have a part-time job that will pay you well enough to sustain a retirement life.
@wwheelere Consulting firms often hire experienced businesspeople on a project or contract basis, which can be great opportunities for retirees to fill their time and make sizable amounts of money without having to commit to long-term employment.
@wwheelere retirees find that working with young people helps them stay young, and passing on lessons learned to younger generations can provide a strong sense of purpose.
@aadamsp Many corporations need to realise that engaging retirees is actually a blessing in disguise. Let?s rethink about the differences in employing younger people and retirees.