Jobs for seniors


A website that posts jobs for senior citizens. From simple to the most challenging jobs for the seniors that don't believe in retirement.

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Anyone looking for work knows the job market is tough and likely to stay that way for a long time.

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@abutler0 check out

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@ahowell1 they?ve put together what it says is a carefully developed list of attractive positions outside the home and for those seeking at-home jobs.?

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@abutler0 the industry is age friendly, ?

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@abutler0 they should be fun at least right

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@jburns4 I agree with you, the elderly should be given that break on a job

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?Gone are the days when retiring meant the end of the road for your career.?

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@jbarnes6 ?Early retirement is now possible, and while there are some who could make a living from their retirement pension or insurance

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@jbarnes6 As we age, our circle of friends is often reduced by several factors such as downsizing to a new neighborhood

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Those left behind may withdraw more and more into themselves, but still have the desire to be one with the community, to be involved with others

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@acruz9 It is important on the community to keep this spark alive, to fan the flames of community service and participation.

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our employers need to step up and reach out to the senior population

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@jwilliamsonb This segment of the population is smart, experienced, trainable and always willing to show up on time to give 100 percent

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@bhernandezc For starters, early retirement can only be possible when?these two things are met: (1) you have always practiced a practical, frugal lifestyle; and (2) you will have a part-time job that will pay you well enough to sustain a retirement life.

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Many retirees have long r?sum?s, and that experience is still valuable even after retirement.?

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@wwheelere Consulting firms often hire experienced businesspeople on a project or contract basis, which can be great opportunities for retirees to fill their time and make sizable amounts of money without having to commit to long-term employment.

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@ccolef Retirees also can put their professional experience to work in the classroom

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@wwheelere retirees find that working with young people helps them stay young, and passing on lessons learned to younger generations can provide a strong sense of purpose.

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In warmer months, retirees might find seasonal employment at area beaches, golf courses or parks.

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?Retirees who live in cities with professional sports teams might be able to find work with their favorite franchise.

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@wmurrayj they can alsodo some crafts, my grandomther rocks he arts and crafts

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@rcookk doesn?t all our grandmothers are master crafter

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@twagnerl whuuutttt?

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We have a lot of retirees and a lot of the elderly and they have no experience and do not know what Android is, or what apps are or anything

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@tharveyn If we can get these folks up to speed where they know how to use those things, they can take advantage of that

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@nholmeso I will hire retirees

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@aadamsp Many corporations need to realise that engaging retirees is actually a blessing in disguise. Let?s rethink about the differences in employing younger people and retirees.

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@nholmeso True that ? younger employees are more ready to accept new ideas and technology, making them more suitable to lead a corporation.

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@rfranklinr But ? retirees, with ample practical experience, could be ?ready-to-use? and very reliable mid-level supporting staff.

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it?s unrealistic to expect a young worker, who needs to feed their family to accept a part-time position.

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@pburnst The right group of candidates should be retirees

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@lfieldsu combining job functions may be able to reduce headcount and save salary expenses.

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The trick is to find something that feels more like fun than a workaday grind.?

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@dlopezw Many will use the skills of their former work lives. Others will find an entirely new field.

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@anelsonx negotiate a deal to stick with your work, but maybe do it three days a week. That means endless long weekends and time for other pursuits.

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@anelsonx If you wish to unlock retirees? talents, first you have to help them adapt to a part-time or temporary position

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@dlopezw they can handle customer service, order processing, and lead-qualification calls.?

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