@lwhite2g Just shows how many students don't really want a education their just there because society tells them they should be.
@lwhite2g We should buy this for our future home
@thenderson2f with lego mindstorms you can make anything?
German technology is to complicated. Keep it simple.?
Oh really, how do you know that? I wrote a 'story' once where it had a zero g room. Nothing serious though xD.?
@lwhite2g I've tried Packing Service Inc. 8887225774 Info@PackingServiceInc.com www.packingserviceinc.com they not so bad; actually they are a great company for custom Crate and Palletizing.
@eburns2b I like how they redesigned it to make it easier to clean.?
@eburns2b I think I read in one of the books on the Beatles, that their playlist never varied much over the years, either.
@lweaver2h concerns about voter fraud are valid
@lweaver2h I know a guy who got the ring back and used it on his next fiance. I?m...not sure how I feel about it,.
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