Rate my teachers


The best teachers leave their mark on us long after we've left the classroom (or other learning situation). Some websites now are paying homage to them. There are websites that shows the ratings and reviews for a teacher. If you think about it, this is a valuable tool in college if you were smart enough to parse out the real reviews from the slackers. You should also take this with a grain a salt, though - lots of students head there to vent about their least favorite teachers and knock down their ratings...

4 points | 50 comments

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used it for most professors, and wrote reviews for most of them. WHAT I FEEL TO BE HONEST REVIEWS. I waited till I was done with college.

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@jyoung1e As for the professors: I would LOVE to study. As an educator with over 20 years in my field, I can tell these people have a passion for teaching and a passion for life, and that's really inspiring to me.?

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HAHA! Loved this. In reality, I would have definitely used it.??

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@jbennett1g What a wonderful way to?highlight the pros and cons of an important student resource!?

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@jbennett1g pairing the significance of the professor/student relationship?with the sensitivity of?the human condition;?especially with regard to?the struggles students experience as they adjust to?life in academia.....EXCELLENT PIECE!??

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If Conan O' brien was still in harvard he would crack 100 times better insults than this. Doesn't harvard have a humor publication? Where the fuck are those guys??

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@krose1j I expected better insults from Harvard students?

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@aperry1k thinks Harvard is a good school

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@aperry1k You can thank affirmative action for that.?

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All of them are at the top of their respective academic fields; they'd have to be in order to be tenured professors at the best university in the world. Why would they care what some random students (albeit, Harvard students) think of them??

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@hburton1n Just demonstrates the faults in the academic system.

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@hburton1n some tenured professors are rather unenthusiastic and don't do a good job of teaching?

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@mmason1p Lol, they're getting paid much, much more than that.?

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@aedwards1q So true, many teachers don't give a shit about undergrad students, it's almost like a side job to them while they prioritize on their own research work and all.

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@aedwards1q I've heard similar shit happening in grad school from my sis (well in case of some of teachers, not saying that even in grad school they're all like that but they tend to pay more attention to a particular set of students in the classroom).

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many of the teachers despise teaching the more elementary core courses in the undergrad program but some of them despite their wealth of knowledge and impressive achievements couldn't teach well even if their lives depended on it.?

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@enichols1t most of them don't know how to teach that's the sad part.

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@enichols1t Too many PHD's are teaching and don't know how to.

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@jward1v The best teachers are the ones that have struggled just like the average student...this goes to the same reason why great baseball players cannot manage they cannot relate to the average player struggles.?

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This is very unfortunate. If only students had some special program where they could sit in on or "shop" many class and then pick the ones they liked the best.?

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@kcole1x so they need a shop class??

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@kcole1x Well I'm glad that my school is just as shitty

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@ereynolds1z The difference between ivy leagues and normal universities is simply brand recognition.

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@jadams21 It is more about the teacher than the university.?

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@jadams21 teachers at community college are student focused, whereas professors at university are research-focused.

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ah yes... the liberal arts students...??

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guys word of advice read the students behavioural records too before accepting them?

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@afranklin25 Those students sound ungrateful for the opportunities they have.

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just because you went to a good school you must be smart, hardworking, or both. But it doesn't really prove either of those things.

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I want to learn from one of the most brilliant minds in economics.?

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