Car compressor technology

Around the world, thousands of businesses and public authorities that offer car-parking facilities are constantly striving to improve quality, convenience and choice. New technology allows us to have cars that is designed to occupy minimal space while parked. The plan is to have innovative technology that allow us to repurpose public space. It solves the problem of minimal parking space. More parking for us, less time for us to yell at other drivers for stealing our parking space. Nice reward for everyone.

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There?s the space the cars themselves occupy. The average car, two hulking tons of steel, is 80 percent empty when it?s being driven by a single person

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@he era of private car ownership may peak within a decade, as new networks of shared, electric, possibly autonomous vehicles become cheaper

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@he trick is figuring out how to redesign cities accordingly.

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@rovide incentives to shift people from their own cars into car sharing

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@elf-driving cars and buses will eventually become a reality, they too could be connected into a centralized network, making sharing even easier

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Does it work on inclined planes (eg: roads of SF), is it powerful enough ?

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@I need this to get to work during the Metro safetrack situation.

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@ith small cars, even for normal sized person, just sit for 20 mins and your bum will hurt like hell!

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@hat should we name it? ... Let's just jumble UBER and see what we get

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?I think i found the perfect medium between my folding bicycle and electric long board!

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An awesome vehicle for nice nice ground or road. For poor condition ground or road, you will fly !!

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useles piece of garbage no good for actual city use

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@ have the same idea?

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@y friends corolla has to have the door open from the outside cause the cheap plastic handle cracked on the inside! LOL (@y sister's as well)?

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I wouldn't mess with a Dodge Dart even if they were giving it away for free.?

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@odge Dirt - unbelievable.?

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If you can afford something better than the Ford, do so

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@nly get the Subaru if you're in snowy climates and/or fictitious lands

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@on't expect to fit tall people in the back of the Mazda

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@ou're probably right - the Honda is likely the most balanced. ?It's definitely not the best choice but it's never the worst.

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@n my opinion the Ford Focus S is a really good car for what it's worth, especially for starters. Auto assist parking is a huge pro if you are starting out @n driving?

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@ OWN a Dodge.?

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Necessity is the mother of invention!

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@m. @m. M@m. MM.?

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@ol I was going to put that XD?

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@hat is really clever, but it kinda looks like a pain in the ass.?

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@iteral pain, because the car is so small

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@uch a foolish idea. there's a lot of parking space for that tiny car?

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the purpose of this parking is not just protection from dust but protection from thieves and its a solution for a country where there's not much parking space because of the huge population and no. of vehicles.?

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super idea

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